Dr. Saurin Sheth
Cited by
Cited by
Experimental investigation, prediction and optimization of cylindricity and perpendicularity during drilling of WCB material using grey relational analysis
S Sheth, PM George
Precision Engineering 45, 33-43, 2016
Experimental investigation and prediction of flatness and surface roughness during face milling operation of WCB material
S Sheth, PM George
Procedia Technology 23, 344-351, 2016
Experimental analysis and ANN modelling of HAZ in laser cutting of glass fibre reinforced plastic composites
P Patel, S Sheth, T Patel
Procedia Technology 23, 406-413, 2016
Text-based image segmentation methodology
G Mehul, P Ankita, D Namrata, G Rahul, S Sheth
Procedia Technology 14, 465-472, 2014
Automatic sorting system using machine vision
S Sheth, R Kher, R Shah, P Dudhat, P Jani
Multi-Disciplinary International Symposium on Control, Automation & Robotics, 2010
Implementing fuzzy logic controller and PID controller to a DC encoder motor–“A case of an automated guided vehicle”
P Parikh, S Sheth, R Vasani, JK Gohil
Procedia Manufacturing 20, 219-226, 2018
Exoskeleton: the friend of mankind in context of rehabilitation and enhancement
A Agrawal, AN Dube, D Kansara, S Shah, S Sheth
Indian J. Sci. Technol 9 (S1), 1-8, 2016
Design of semiautomatic hydraulic blanking machine using PLC
T Patel, S Sheth, P Patel
National Conference on Innovative & Emerging Technologies (NCIET-2015), 410-412, 2015
Design & modeling of special purpose equipment for shell-diaphragm welding in conveyor pulley
H Gangadia, S Sheth, P Chauhan
Procedia Technology 14, 497-504, 2014
Design and development of intelligent AGV using computer vision and artificial intelligence
S Sheth, A Ajmera, A Sharma, S Patel, C Kathrecha
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2016, Volume …, 2018
Color Guided Vehicle–An Intelligent Material Handling Mechatronic System
PA Parikh, KD Joshi, S Sheth
Proceedings of the 1st International and 16th National Conference on …, 2013
A Mechatronics design of a line tracker robot using Ziegler Nichols control technique for P, PI and PID controllers
P Parikh, H Shah, S Sheth
International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMEC-2014), 13-15, 2014
Development of a multi-channel wireless data acquisition System for swarm robots-A Mechatronic Approach using Arduino UNO and MATLAB
P Parikh, H Shah, S Sheth
International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR), ISSN …, 2014
Design and development of a mechatronic system for the measurement of railway tracks
K Tamboli, S Sheth, V Shah, V Modi, AN Gandhi, N Amin
Discovery 43 (200), 174-80, 2015
Design and automation in back plug press fitting process of ball pen assembly
BR Gajjar, S Sheth
Applied Mechanics and Materials 592, 2596-2600, 2014
Design and development of automatic stirrup bending mechanism
M Virani, J Vekariya, S Sheth, K Tamboli
Proceedings of the 1 st International and 16 th National Conference on …, 2013
Parametric study and design optimization of centrifugal pump impeller—a review
VR Singh, MJ Zinzuvadia, SM Sheth
Int J Eng Res Appl. Kalpa Publications in Engineering 1, 507-515, 2017
Velocity Analysis of a DC Brushed Encoder Motor using Ziegler-Nichols Algorithm: A Case of an Automated Guided Vehicle
P Parikh, R Vasani, S Sheth
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (38), 637-650, 2016
Experimental investigation, modelling and comparison of kerfwidth in laser cutting of GFRP
P Patel, BS Modi, S Sheth, T Patel
Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management …, 2015
Investigation of automation strategy and its effect on assembly cost: a case study on ball pen assembly line
BR Gajjar, S Sheth
International journal of current Engineering and Technology 3, 89-92, 2014
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Articles 1–20