Heida Maria Sigurdardottir
Heida Maria Sigurdardottir
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Iceland
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Problems with visual statistical learning in developmental dyslexia
HM Sigurdardottir, HB Danielsdottir, M Gudmundsdottir, KH Hjartarson, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 606, 2017
Impaired recognition of faces and objects in dyslexia: Evidence for ventral stream dysfunction?
HM Sigurdardottir, E Ívarsson, K Kristinsdóttir, Á Kristjánsson
Neuropsychology 29 (5), 739, 2015
Repetition streaks increase perceptual sensitivity in visual search of brief displays
HM Sigurdardottir, Á Kristjánsson, J Driver
Visual cognition 16 (5), 643-658, 2008
The architect who lost the ability to imagine: the cerebral basis of visual imagery
S Thorudottir*, HM Sigurdardottir*, GE Rice, SJ Kerry, RJ Robotham, ...
Brain sciences 10 (2), 59, 2020
Specific problems in visual cognition of dyslexic readers: Face discrimination deficits predict dyslexia over and above discrimination of scrambled faces and novel objects
HM Sigurdardottir, LE Fridriksdottir, S Gudjonsdottir, Á Kristjánsson
Cognition 175, 157-168, 2018
Backlash in gender equality? Fathers’ parental leave during a time of economic crisis
HM Sigurdardottir, Ó Garđarsdóttir
Journal of European Social Policy 28 (4), 342-356, 2018
On the benefits of transient attention across the visual field
Á Kristjánsson, HM Sigurdardottir
Perception 37 (5), 747-764, 2008
Own-race and other-race face recognition problems without visual expertise problems in dyslexic readers
HM Sigurdardottir, KH Hjartarson, GL Gudmundsson, Á Kristjánsson
Vision research 158, 146-156, 2019
The role of visual factors in dyslexia
A Kristjansson, HM Sigurdardottir
Journal of Cognition 6 (1), 2023
Faces and words are both associated and dissociated as evidenced by visual problems in dyslexia
HM Sigurdardottir, A Arnardottir, ET Halldorsdottir
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-15, 2021
Shape beyond recognition: form-derived directionality and its effects on visual attention and motion perception.
HM Sigurdardottir, SM Michalak, DL Sheinberg
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (1), 434, 2014
Words as visual objects: Neural and behavioral evidence for high-level visual impairments in dyslexia
HM Sigurdardottir, IM Ólafsdóttir, H Devillez
Brain Sciences 11 (11), 1427, 2021
Expertise and object recognition
HM Sigurdardottir, I Gauthier
Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference 2, 523–527, 2015
Featural and configural processing of faces and houses in matched dyslexic and typical readers
B Jozranjbar, Á Kristjánsson, HM Sigurdardottir
Neuropsychologia 162, 108059, 2021
The neurophysiology of attention and object recognition in visual scenes
D Brooks*, HM Sigurdardottir*, DL Sheinberg
Scene Vision, 85-104, 2014
The effects of short-term and long-term learning on the responses of lateral intraparietal neurons to visually presented objects
HM Sigurdardottir, DL Sheinberg
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 27 (7), 1360-1375, 2015
Using representational similarity analysis to reveal category and process specificity in visual object recognition
B Jozranjbar, Á Kristjánsson, R Starrfelt, C Gerlach, HM Sigurdardottir
Cortex 166, 172-187, 2023
Laterality effect (face perception)
HM Sigurdardottir, B Jozranjbar
Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, 3901-3905, 2022
Reading problems and their connection with visual search and attention
HM Sigurdardottir, HR Omarsdottir, AS Valgeirsdottir
Dyslexia 30 (2), e1764, 2024
Objects, faces, and spaces: Organizational principles of visual object perception as evidenced by individual differences in behavior
HM Sigurdardottir, IM Ólafsdóttir
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 01.560383, 2023
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Articles 1–20