Francisco J. Gallegos-Funes
Francisco J. Gallegos-Funes
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Real-time image filtering scheme based on robust estimators in presence of impulsive noise
FJ Gallegos-Funes, VI Ponomaryov
Real-Time Imaging 10 (2), 69-80, 2004
Color index based thresholding method for background and foreground segmentation of plant images
MÁ Castillo-Martínez, FJ Gallegos-Funes, BE Carvajal-Gámez, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 178, 105783, 2020
A fuzzy clustering algorithm with spatial robust estimation constraint for noisy color image segmentation
D Mújica-Vargas, FJ Gallegos-Funes, AJ Rosales-Silva
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (4), 400-413, 2013
Real-time color imaging based on RM-filters for impulsive noise reduction
VI Ponomaryov, FJ Gallegos-Funes, A Rosales-Silva
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 49 (3), 205-219, 2005
Block-Matching Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm for segmentation of color images degraded with Gaussian noise
F Gamino-Sánchez, IV Hernández-Gutiérrez, AJ Rosales-Silva, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 73, 31-49, 2018
Median M-type K-nearest neighbour(MM-KNN) filter to remove impulse noise from corrupted images
FJ Gallegos-Funes, VI Ponomaryov, S Sadovnychiy, L Nino-de-Rivera
Electronics Letters 38 (15), 786-787, 2002
Color local complexity estimation based steganographic (CLCES) method
BE Carvajal-Gamez, FJ Gallegos-Funes, AJ Rosales-Silva
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (4), 1132-1142, 2013
Adaptive vector directional filters to process multichannel images
V Ponomaryov, A Rosales, F Gallegos, I Loboda
IEICE transactions on communications 90 (2), 429-430, 2007
Análisis agroenergético de tipologías agrícolas en La Palma
M Márquez, N Valdés, EM Ferro, I Paneque, Y Rodríguez, E Chirino, ...
Ríos H., Vargas D., y Funes F., Innovación agroecológica, adaptación y …, 2011
Fuzzy Directional (FD) Filter for impulsive noise reduction in colour video sequences
AJ Rosales-Silva, FJ Gallegos-Funes, VI Ponomaryov
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 23 (1), 143-149, 2012
Real-time color image processing using order statistics filters
V Ponomaryov, F Gallegos-Funes, A Rosales-Silva
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 23, 315-319, 2005
Fuzzy directional (FD) filter to remove impulse noise from colour images
V Ponomaryov, A Rosales-Silva, F Gallegos-Funes, H Perez-Meana
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and …, 2010
ABST M-type K-nearest neighbor (ABSTM-KNN) for image denoising
F Gallegos-Funes, V Ponomaryov, J De-La-Rosa
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and …, 2005
An efficient nonlinear approach for removing fixed-value impulse noise from grayscale images
D Mújica-Vargas, J de Jesús Rubio, JMV Kinani, FJ Gallegos-Funes
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 14, 617-633, 2018
Rank M-type radial basis function (RMRBF) neural network for Pap smear microscopic image classification
FJ Gallegos-Funes, ME Gómez-Mayorga, JL Lopez-Bonilla, ...
Apeiron 16 (4), 542-554, 2009
Robust c-prototypes algorithms for color image segmentation
D Mújica-Vargas, FJ Gallegos-Funes, AJ Rosales-Silva, J de Jesús Rubio
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2013, 1-12, 2013
Possible patient early diagnosis by ultrasonic noninvasive estimation of thermal gradients into tissues based on spectral changes modeling
I Bazán, A Ramos, H Calas, A Ramirez, R Pintle, TE Gómez, C Negreira, ...
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2012 (1), 275405, 2012
Scaling factor for RGB images to steganography applications
BE Carvajal-Gámez, FJ Gallegos-Funes, JL López-Bonilla
Journal of Vectorial Relativity 4 (3), 55-65, 2009
Fuzzy color video filtering technique for sequences corrupted by additive Gaussian noise
VI Ponomaryov, H Montenegro-Monroy, F Gallegos-Funes, O Pogrebnyak, ...
Neurocomputing 155, 225-246, 2015
Prototipo de una Prótesis Mioeléctrica para la Emulación de una Articulación de Codo
D Contreras, A Ramirez-Garcia, F Gallegos, I Bazán
Revista mexicana de ingeniería biomédica 36 (1), 77-92, 2015
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Articles 1–20