Marine reserves as a tool for ecosystem-based management: the potential importance of megafauna SK Hooker, LR Gerber Bioscience 54 (1), 27-39, 2004 | 511 | 2004 |
Marine protected area design and the spatial and temporal distribution of cetaceans in a submarine canyon SK Hooker, H Whitehead, S Gowans Conservation biology 13 (3), 592-602, 1999 | 362 | 1999 |
Diet of northern bottlenose whales inferred from fatty-acid and stable-isotope analyses of biopsy samples SK Hooker, SJ Iverson, P Ostrom, SC Smith Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (8), 1442-1454, 2001 | 292 | 2001 |
Deep–diving behaviour of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus (Cetacea: Ziphiidae) SK Hooker, RW Baird Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1999 | 268 | 1999 |
Making protected area networks effective for marine top predators SK Hooker, A Cañadas, KD Hyrenbach, C Corrigan, JJ Polovina, ... Endangered Species Research 13 (3), 203-218, 2011 | 227 | 2011 |
Ingestion of plastic and unusual prey by a juvenile harbour porpoise RW Baird, SK Hooker Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 51 (20), 0, 2000 | 189 | 2000 |
Social organization in northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus: not driven by deep-water foraging? S Gowans, H Whitehead, SK Hooker Animal behaviour 62 (2), 369-377, 2001 | 188 | 2001 |
Ranging behaviour of forest‐dwelling ship rats, Rattus rattus, and effects of poisoning with brodifacoum S Hooker, J Innes New Zealand journal of zoology 22 (3), 291-304, 1995 | 170 | 1995 |
Deadly diving? Physiological and behavioural management of decompression stress in diving mammals SK Hooker, A Fahlman, MJ Moore, N Aguilar de Soto, ... Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1731), 1041-1050, 2012 | 149 | 2012 |
Subsurface and nighttime behaviour of pantropical spotted dolphins in Hawai'i RW Baird, AD Ligon, SK Hooker, AM Gorgone Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (6), 988-996, 2001 | 146 | 2001 |
Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon SE Nelms, J Alfaro-Shigueto, JPY Arnould, IC Avila, SB Nash, E Campbell, ... Endangered Species Research 44, 291-325, 2021 | 143 | 2021 |
Diving and ranging behaviour of odontocetes: a methodological review and critique SK Hooker, RW Baird Mammal Review 31 (1), 81-105, 2001 | 121 | 2001 |
Using energetic models to investigate the survival and reproduction of beaked whales (family Ziphiidae) LF New, DJ Moretti, SK Hooker, DP Costa, SE Simmons PloS one 8 (7), e68725, 2013 | 119 | 2013 |
Fluctuations in distribution and patterns of individual range use of northern bottlenose whales SK Hooker, H Whitehead, S Gowans, RW Baird Marine Ecology Progress Series 225, 287-297, 2002 | 111 | 2002 |
Could beaked whales get the bends?: Effect of diving behaviour and physiology on modelled gas exchange for three species: Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris and … SK Hooker, RW Baird, A Fahlman Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 167 (3), 235-246, 2009 | 104 | 2009 |
Bio-logging science: logging and relaying physical and biological data using animal-attached tags SK Hooker, M Biuw, BJ McConnell, PJO Miller, CE Sparling Deep-Sea Research Part II 3 (54), 177-182, 2007 | 104 | 2007 |
Salinity sensors on seals: use of marine predators to carry CTD data loggers SK Hooker, IL Boyd Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 50 (7), 927-939, 2003 | 101 | 2003 |
Monitoring the prey-field of marine predators: combining digital imaging with datalogging tags SK Hooker, IL Boyd, M Jessopp, O Cox, J Blackwell, PL Boveng, ... Marine Mammal Science 18 (3), 680-697, 2002 | 94 | 2002 |
Best practice guidelines for cetacean tagging RD Andrews, RW Baird, J Calambokidis, CEC Goertz, FMD Gulland, ... J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 20, 27-66, 2019 | 93 | 2019 |
First indications that northern bottlenose whales are sensitive to behavioural disturbance from anthropogenic noise PJO Miller, PH Kvadsheim, FPA Lam, PL Tyack, C Curé, SL DeRuiter, ... Royal Society open science 2 (6), 140484, 2015 | 91 | 2015 |