Sascha Steffen
Cited by
Cited by
The “greatest” carry trade ever? Understanding eurozone bank risks
VV Acharya, S Steffen
Journal of Financial Economics 115 (2), 215-236, 2015
Global retail lending in the aftermath of the US financial crisis: Distinguishing between supply and demand effects
M Puri, J Rocholl, S Steffen
Journal of Financial Economics 100 (3), 556-578, 2011
The risk of being a fallen angel and the corporate dash for cash in the midst of COVID
VV Acharya, S Steffen
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies 9 (3), 430-471, 2020
The costs of being private: Evidence from the loan market
A Saunders, S Steffen
The Review of Financial Studies 24 (12), 4091-4122, 2011
The total cost of corporate borrowing in the loan market: Don't ignore the fees
T Berg, A Saunders, S Steffen
The Journal of Finance 71 (3), 1357-1392, 2016
Syndication, interconnectedness, and systemic risk
J Cai, F Eidam, A Saunders, S Steffen
Journal of Financial Stability 34, 105-120, 2018
A capital structure channel of monetary policy
B Grosse-Rueschkamp, S Steffen, D Streitz
Journal of Financial Economics 133 (2), 357-378, 2019
What do a million observations have to say about loan defaults? Opening the black box of relationships
M Puri, J Rocholl, S Steffen
Journal of Financial Intermediation 31, 1-15, 2017
Why did bank stocks crash during COVID-19?
VV Acharya, RF Engle III, S Steffen
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Determinants of bank liquidity creation
C Rauch, S Steffen, A Hackethal, M Tyrell
On syndicate composition, corporate structure and the certification effect of credit ratings
O Bosch, S Steffen
Journal of Banking & Finance 35 (2), 290-299, 2011
Kicking the can down the road: government interventions in the European banking sector
VV Acharya, L Borchert, M Jager, S Steffen
The Review of Financial Studies 34 (9), 4090-4131, 2021
European banking supervision: the first eighteen months
D Schoenmaker, N Véron
Bruegel, 2016
Does the lack of financial stability impair the transmission of monetary policy?
VV Acharya, B Imbierowicz, S Steffen, D Teichmann
Journal of Financial Economics 138 (2), 342-365, 2020
A zero-risk weight channel of sovereign risk spillovers
K Kirschenmann, J Korte, S Steffen
Journal of Financial Stability 51, 100780, 2020
Analyzing systemic risk of the European banking sector
VV Acharya, S Steffen
Handbook on systemic risk, 247-282, 2013
Zombie lending: Theoretical, international, and historical perspectives
VV Acharya, M Crosignani, T Eisert, S Steffen
Annual Review of Financial Economics 14 (1), 21-38, 2022
Mind the gap: The difference between US and European loan rates
T Berg, A Saunders, S Steffen, D Streitz
The Review of Financial Studies 30 (3), 948-987, 2017
Falling short of expectations? Stress-testing the European banking system
VV Acharya, S Steffen
Stress-Testing the European Banking System (January 15, 2014). CEPS Policy Brief, 2014
Stress tests’ for banks as liquidity insurers in a time of COVID
V Acharya, S Steffen
VoxEU. org, March 22, 2020
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Articles 1–20