Melissa Andrade-Molina
Cited by
Cited by
Lo político en la educación matemática: de la educación matemática crítica a la política cultural de la educación matemática
P Valero, M Andrade-Molina, A Montecino
Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa 18 (3), 7-20, 2015
Beyond quality metrics: defying journal rankings as the philosopher’s stone of mathematics education research
M Andrade-Molina, A Montecino, MS Aguilar
Educational Studies in Mathematics 103 (3), 359-374, 2020
The effects of school geometry in the shaping of a desired child
M Andrade-Molina, P Valero
The disorder of mathematics education: Challenging the sociopolitical …, 2017
La problemática de la tridimensionalidad y su representación en el plano
M Andrade, A Montecino
Actas del XIII CIAEM-IACME, 2011
Black Immigrant Children: Abjection, In(ex)clusion and School Mathematics Reform
L Valoyes-Chavez, M Andrade-Molina
Magis, Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación 15, 1-24, 2022
(D)effecting the Child: The scientifization of the self through school mathematics
M Andrade-Molina
Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2017
The Amalgam of Faith and Reason: Euclid’s Elements and the Scientific Thinker
M Andrade-Molina, P Valero, O Ravn
The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today, 99-111, 2018
The sightless eyes of reason: Scientific objectivism and school geometry
M Andrade-Molina, P Valero
Ninth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education, 2015
Lo ético-político en la educación matemática: Conceptos y retos para la práctica
M Andrade-Molina, P Valero
Uno: Revista de didáctica de las matematicas, 7-14, 2019
Conversión de registros en el cálculo integral: la problemática de los sólidos de revolución
M Andrade Molina, A Montecino Muñoz
Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa 26, 473 - 480, 2013
OECD’s dominant discourses of the low-performer and the production of subjects
M Andrade-Molina
Reflexão e Ação 26 (2), 9-26, 2018
MINDNIAC: The reasonable citizen of schooling (Chilean Edition)
M Andrade-Molina
The Mathematics Enthusiast 15 (1), 36-53, 2018
The Fabrication of Qualified Citizens: from the “Expert-Hand Worker” to the “Scientific Minded”
M Andrade-Molina
Perspectivas da Educação Matemática 10 (22), 29-44, 2017
Be the best version of yourself! OECD’s promises of welfare through school mathematics
M Andrade-Molina
Proceedings of the Ninth International Mathematics Education and Society …, 2017
La problemática de la tridimensionalidad y su representación en el plano: Antecedentes para una propuesta centrada en el aprendizaje reflexivo
M Andrade, A Montecino
Bachelor’s Thesis, 2009
Incepted neoliberal dreams in school mathematics and the ‘Chilean experience’
M Andrade-Molina
Tenth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME10), 1470 …, 2017
The adventure of the deceitful numbers
M Andrade-Molina
Journal of Pedagogy 8 (2), 9-25, 2017
News, Media (s) and the Shaping of Mathematics Education
M Andrade-Molina, P Valero
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 19 (1), 77-81, 2019
Beyond language: conceptualizing epistemic violence against Black immigrant students in mathematics education
L Valoyes-Chávez, M Andrade-Molina, A Montecino
ZDM–Mathematics education 55 (6), 1125-1137, 2023
Narratives of success: enabling all students to excel in the global world
M Andrade-Molina
Research in Mathematics Education 23 (3), 293-305, 2021
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Articles 1–20