Ahmed Abdelmonem Hemedan
Ahmed Abdelmonem Hemedan
Luxembourg University, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine,
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Efficient Artificial Intelligence Forecasting Models for COVID-19 Outbreak in Russia and Brazil
AA Hemedan
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020
Prediction of Biochar Yield Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System With Particle Swarm Optimization
MAE Aziz, AM Hemdan, AA Ewees, M Elhoseny, A Shehab, ...
PowerAfrica, 2017 IEEE PES, 2017
Training feedforward neural networks using Sine-Cosine algorithm to improve the prediction of liver enzymes on fish farmed on nano-selenite
AT Sahlol, AA Ewees, AM Hemdan, AE Hassanien
Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 2016 12th International, 2017
A biometric-based model for fish species classification
A Tharwat, AA Hemedan, AE Hassanien, T Gabel
Fisheries research 204, 324-336, 2018
Boolean modelling as a logic-based dynamic approach in systems medicine
AA Hemedan, A Niarakis, R Schneider, M Ostaszewski
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 20, 3161-3172, 2022
Deep bacteria: robust deep learning data augmentation design for limited bacterial colony dataset
NEMK Ahmed Abdelmonem Hemedan, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Mohamed Hamed N.Taha
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 11 (3), 256 - 264, 2019
Prediction of the Vaccine-derived Poliovirus Outbreak Incidence: A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach
AAESL AhmedA. Hemedan , MohamedAbd Elaziz , Pengcheng Jiao, Amir H.Alavi ...
Scientific Reports 10, 2020
Abattoir survey of bovine tuberculosis in tanta, centre of the Nile delta, with in silico analysis of gene mutations and protein–protein interactions of the involved mycobacteria
M Borham, A Oreiby, A El‐Gedawy, Y Hegazy, A Hemedan, ...
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 69 (2), 434-450, 2022
Improved recognition of bacterial species using novel fractional-order orthogonal descriptors
MMD Mohamed AbdElaziz, Khalid M.Hosny, Ahmed A.Hemedan
Applied Soft Computing, 2020
Analysis of Bioactive Amino Acids from Fish Hydrolysates with a New Bioinformatic Intelligent System Approach
DOSX Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Ahmed Monem Hemdan, AboulElla Hassanien
Scientific Reports 7, 2017
Optimization ACE inhibition activity in hypertension based on random vector functional link and sine-cosine algorithm
M Abd Elaziz, AA Hemedan, M Ostaszweski, R Schneider, S Lu
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 190, 69-77, 2019
Prediction of Antioxidant Status in Fish Farmed on Selenium Nanoparticles using Neural Network Regression Algorithm
AEH Ahmed Sahlol, Ahmed Monem Hemdan
Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics 2016 533, 353-364, 2016
A multi-omics integrative approach unravels novel genes and pathways associated with senescence escape after targeted therapy in NRAS mutant melanoma
V Gureghian, H Herbst, I Kozar, K Mihajlovic, N Malod-Dognin, G Ceddia, ...
Cancer gene therapy 30 (10), 1330-1345, 2023
Applications of Boolean modeling to study the dynamics of a complex disease and therapeutics responses
AA Hemedan, R Schneider, M Ostaszewski
Frontiers in bioinformatics 3, 1189723, 2023
Optimized support vector machines for unveiling mortality incidence in Tilapia fish
ATS Ahmed A. Ewees, Ahmed Abdelmonem Hemedan, Aboul Ella Hassanien
Ain Shams Engineering Journal,, 2021
Drug-target identification in COVID-19 disease mechanisms using computational systems biology approaches
A Niarakis, M Ostaszewski, A Mazein, I Kuperstein, M Kutmon, ...
Frontiers in Immunology 14, 1282859, 2024
Converging peripheral blood microRNA profiles in Parkinson's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy
L Pavelka, A Rauschenberger, A Hemedan, M Ostaszewski, E Glaab, ...
Brain Communications 6 (3), 2024
Egyptian Nile Tilapia Fish Freshness Assessment Based on an Efficient Image Processing Method
MM Soliman, AA Hemedan, AE Hassanein
13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 3-8, 2019
Fish Growth Performance Classification Based on Ammonia Concentrations
AEH Moataz Kilany, Mohamed Mostafa Fouad, Ahmed Monem Hemdan
Third International Afro-European Conference for Industrial Advancement …, 2017
Immune digital twins for complex human pathologies: applications, limitations, and challenges
A Niarakis, R Laubenbacher, G An, Y Ilan, J Fisher, Å Flobak, K Reiche, ...
NPJ systems biology and applications 10 (1), 141, 2024
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