Andrew Koltonow
Andrew Koltonow
Ph.D. Candidate, Northwestern University
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Cited by
Self-assembling hydrogel scaffolds for photocatalytic hydrogen production
AS Weingarten, RV Kazantsev, LC Palmer, M McClendon, AR Koltonow, ...
Nature chemistry 6 (11), 964-970, 2014
Self-assembled two-dimensional nanofluidic proton channels with high thermal stability
JJ Shao, K Raidongia, AR Koltonow, J Huang
Nature communications 6 (1), 7602, 2015
Two-dimensional nanofluidics
AR Koltonow, J Huang
Science 351 (6280), 1395-1396, 2016
Self-dispersed crumpled graphene balls in oil for friction and wear reduction
X Dou, AR Koltonow, X He, HD Jang, Q Wang, YW Chung, J Huang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (6), 1528-1533, 2016
Supramolecular Packing Controls H2 Photocatalysis in Chromophore Amphiphile Hydrogels
AS Weingarten, RV Kazantsev, LC Palmer, DJ Fairfield, AR Koltonow, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (48), 15241-15246, 2015
Graphene oxide based conductive glue as a binder for ultracapacitor electrodes
J Luo, VC Tung, AR Koltonow, HD Jang, J Huang
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (26), 12993-12996, 2012
Kirigami nanofluidics
J Gao, AR Koltonow, K Raidongia, B Beckerman, N Boon, E Luijten, ...
Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2 (3), 475-482, 2018
New discoveries and opportunities from two-dimensional materials
VW Brar, AR Koltonow, J Huang
ACS Photonics 4 (3), 407-411, 2017
Graphene oxide sheets in solvents: to crumple or not to crumple?
AR Koltonow, C Luo, J Luo, J Huang
ACS omega 2 (11), 8005-8009, 2017
Self-assembling tripodal small-molecule donors for bulk heterojunction solar cells
T Aytun, PJ Santos, CJ Bruns, D Huang, AR Koltonow, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (7), 3602-3611, 2016
Control of Selective Ion Transfer across Liquid–Liquid Interfaces: A Rectifying Heterojunction Based on Immiscible Electrolytes
GI Guerrero-García, FJ Solis, K Raidongia, AR Koltonow, J Huang, ...
ACS Central Science 2 (11), 857-866, 2016
Graphene oxide as a two-dimensional surfactant
AR Koltonow, J Kim, LJ Cote, J Luo, J Huang
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1344, mrss11-1344-y09-07, 2011
Solution Conformations of Graphene Oxide Sheets, and Two-Dimensional Nanofluidics
AR Koltonow
Northwestern University, 2017
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Articles 1–13