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Structure of poly (lactic-acid) PLA nanofibers scaffolds prepared by electrospinning
EY Gómez-Pachón, R Vera-Graziano, RM Campos
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 59 (1), 012003, 2014
Characterisation and modelling of the elastic properties of poly (lactic acid) nanofibre scaffolds
EY Gómez-Pachón, FM Sánchez-Arévalo, FJ Sabina, A Maciel-Cerda, ...
Journal of Materials Science 48, 8308-8319, 2013
Preparación y caracterización de membranas poliméricas electrohiladas de policaprolactona y quitosano para la liberación controlada de clorhidrato de tiamina
ÁP Sánchez Cepeda, R Vera-Graziano, EJ Muñoz-Prieto, ...
Ciencia en desarrollo 7 (2), 133-151, 2016
Preparation of potato starch microfibers obtained by electro wet spinning
EMRVG W Cárdenas, E Y Gómez-Pachon
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 138 (1), 1-10, 2016
Electrospun PCL-protein scaffolds coated by pyrrole plasma polymerization
Y Cruz, E Muñoz, EY Gomez-Pachón, J Morales-Corona, J Olayo-Lortia, ...
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 30 (10), 832-845, 2019
Obtention of cellulose acetate nanofiberes from sugar cane bagasse
AF Ochica, EJ Muñoz Prieto, R Vera Graziano, EY Gómez Pachón, ...
Ciencia en Desarrollo 8 (2), 69-77, 2017
Improvement of the polyhydroxyalkanoates recovery from mixed microbial cultures using sodium hypochlorite pre-treatment coupled with solvent extraction
G Montiel-Jarillo, DA Morales-Urrea, EM Contreras, A López-Córdoba, ...
Polymers 14 (19), 3938, 2022
Modified polylactide microfiber scaffolds for tissue engineering
R Vera-Graziano, A Maciel-Cerda, EV Moreno-Rondon, A Ospina, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library 1376 (1), 7-16, 2011
Electrospun scaffolds of polylactic acid, collagen, and amorphous calcium phosphate for bone repair
W Cárdenas-Aguazaco, B Camacho, EY Gómez-Pachón, ...
Pharmaceutics 15 (11), 2529, 2023
Preparation and characterization of scaffold nanofibers by electrospinning, based on chitosan and fibroin from Silkworm (Bombyx mori)
YC Cárdena-Pérez, R Vera-Graziano, EJ Muñoz-Prieto, ...
Ingeniería y competitividad 19 (1), 139-151, 2017
Durability Evaluation of New Composite Materials for the Construction of Beehives
AF Rubiano-Navarrete, C Lesmes Fabian, Y Torres-Pérez, ...
Sustainability 14 (22), 14683, 2022
Electrospun ultrafine cationic cellulose fibers produced from sugarcane bagasse for potential textile applications
AF Ochica Larrota, R Vera-Graziano, A López-Córdoba, ...
Polymers 13 (22), 3927, 2021
Horse’s gait motion analysis system based on videometry
Y Torres-Pérez, EY Gómez-Pachón, F Cuenca-Jiménez
Ciencia y Agricultura 13 (2), 83-94, 2016
Obtención y caracterización de un biodegradable a partir de almidón de papa y polietileno de baja densidad por inyección
PR Sandoval, EM Prieto, YEG Pachón
Informador técnico 79 (2), 61, 2015
Diseño de un equipo de Electrospinning para la Fabricación de Andamios de Nanofibras para Aplicaciones Biomédicas
EY Gómez-Pachón, R Montiel-Campos, EV Moreno-Rondón, ...
Memorias del XVI Congreso Internacional Anual de la SOMIM. Monterrey, Nuevo …, 2010
Comparative Study of Starch Fibers Obtained by Electro-spinning of Indigenous, Commercial and Cationic Potato Starch
VGR Cárdenas William A, Muñoz Prieto Efrén, Gómez-Pachón Edwin Yesid
Journal of Natural Fibers 1 (1), 1-11, 2018
Obtención y caracterización de andamios electrohilados a base de quitosano y fibroína del capullo (Bombyx mori)
YC Cárdena-Pérez, R Vera-Graziano, EJ Muñoz-Prieto, ...
Ingeniería Y Competitividad 19 (1), 134-146, 2017
Cinemática 2D de caballos al trote mediante videometría y modelamiento matemático
Y Torres-Pérez, EY Gómez-Pachón, F Miró-Rodriguez
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería 26 (45), 83-96, 2017
Effects of heat treatment and the method of collection on the crystal structure of the poly lactic acid electrospinned nanofibers
E Gómez-Pachón, R Vera-Graziano, R Montiel, W Cardenas-Aguazaco, ...
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería 27 (4), 586-599, 2019
Fabricación de nanofibras de TiO2/ZnO para aplicaciones de almacenamiento de energía
SM Camargo-Silva, E Muñoz-Prieto, R Vera-Graziano, ...
Orinoquia 21, 56-63, 2017
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Artículos 1–20