Dominic Rohner
Dominic Rohner
Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne
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Beyond greed and grievance: feasibility and civil war
P Collier, A Hoeffler, D Rohner
Oxford Economic Papers 61 (1), 1-27, 2009
This mine is mine! How minerals fuel conflicts in Africa
N Berman, M Couttenier, D Rohner, M Thoenig
American Economic Review 107 (6), 1564-1610, 2017
Seeds of distrust: Conflict in Uganda
D Rohner, M Thoenig, F Zilibotti
Journal of Economic Growth 18, 217-252, 2013
Democracy, development, and conflict
P Collier, D Rohner
Journal of the European Economic Association 6 (2-3), 531-540, 2008
The geography of interstate resource wars
F Caselli, M Morelli, D Rohner
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 130 (1), 267-315, 2015
War signals: A theory of trade, trust, and conflict
D Rohner, M Thoenig, F Zilibotti
Review of Economic Studies 80 (3), 1114-1147, 2013
Resource concentration and civil wars
M Morelli, D Rohner
Journal of Development Economics 117, 32-47, 2015
Networks in conflict: Theory and evidence from the great war of africa
MD König, D Rohner, M Thoenig, F Zilibotti
Econometrica 85 (4), 1093-1132, 2017
Blood and ink! The common-interest-game between terrorists and the media
D Rohner, BS Frey
Public Choice 133, 129-145, 2007
Strategic mass killings
J Esteban, M Morelli, D Rohner
Journal of Political Economy 123 (5), 1087-1132, 2015
The violent legacy of conflict: evidence on asylum seekers, crime, and public policy in Switzerland
M Couttenier, V Petrencu, D Rohner, M Thoenig
American Economic Review 109 (12), 4378-4425, 2019
The political economy of imperialism, decolonization and development
E Gartzke, D Rohner
British Journal of Political Science 41 (3), 525-556, 2011
War and natural resource exploitation
F Van der Ploeg, D Rohner
European Economic Review 56 (8), 1714-1729, 2012
Heat and Hate: Climate security and farmer-herder conflicts in Africa
UJ Eberle, D Rohner, M Thoenig
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP15542, 2020
The elusive peace dividend of development policy: From war traps to macro complementarities
D Rohner, M Thoenig
Annual Review of Economics 13 (1), 111-131, 2021
From mines and wells to well-built minds: turning Sub-Saharan Africa's natural resource wealth into human capital
B De la Brière, D Filmer, D Ringold, D Rohner, A Denisova
World Bank Publications, 2017
Reputation, group structure and social tensions
D Rohner
Journal of Development Economics 96 (2), 188-199, 2011
Inefficient policies and incumbency advantage
R Hodler, S Loertscher, D Rohner
Journal of Public Economics 94 (9-10), 761-767, 2010
Beach holiday in Bali or East Timor? Why conflict can lead to under-and overexploitation of natural resources
D Rohner
Economics Letters 92 (1), 113-117, 2006
Mediation, military, and money: The promises and pitfalls of outside interventions to end armed conflicts
D Rohner
Journal of Economic Literature 62 (1), 155-195, 2024
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