Anatoly Svidzinsky
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Cited by
Vortices in a trapped dilute Bose-Einstein condensate
AL Fetter, AA Svidzinsky
Journal of Physics: condensed matter 13 (12), R135, 2001
Quantum heat engine power can be increased by noise-induced coherence
MO Scully, KR Chapin, KE Dorfman, MB Kim, A Svidzinsky
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (37), 15097-15100, 2011
The super of superradiance
MO Scully, AA Svidzinsky
Science 325 (5947), 1510-1511, 2009
Cooperative spontaneous emission of atoms: Many-body eigenstates, the effect of virtual Lamb shift processes, and analogy with radiation of classical oscillators
AA Svidzinsky, JT Chang, MO Scully
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (5), 053821, 2010
Stability of a vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
AA Svidzinsky, AL Fetter
Physical review letters 84 (26), 5919, 2000
Dynamical Evolution of Correlated Spontaneous Emission of a Single Photon <?format ?>from a Uniformly Excited Cloud of Atoms
AA Svidzinsky, JT Chang, MO Scully
Physical review letters 100 (16), 160504, 2008
Dynamics of a vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
AA Svidzinsky, AL Fetter
Physical Review A 62 (6), 063617, 2000
Quasiparticle bound states and low-temperature peaks of the conductance of NIS junctionsin d-wave superconductors
YS Barash, AA Svidzinsky, H Burkhardt
Physical Review B 55 (22), 15282, 1997
Cooperative spontaneous emission as a many-body eigenvalue problem
A Svidzinsky, JT Chang
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (4), 043833, 2008
Normal modes of a vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
AA Svidzinsky, AL Fetter
Physical Review A 58 (4), 3168, 1998
Anomalous modes drive vortex dynamics in confined Bose-Einstein condensates
DL Feder, AA Svidzinsky, AL Fetter, CW Clark
Physical Review Letters 86 (4), 564, 2001
Fluctuations in ideal and interacting Bose–Einstein condensates: From the laser phase transition analogy to squeezed states and Bogoliubov quasiparticles
VV Kocharovsky, VV Kocharovsky, M Holthaus, CHR Ooi, A Svidzinsky, ...
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 53, 291-411, 2006
The Lamb shift—yesterday, today, and tomorrow
MO Scully, AA Svidzinsky
Science 328 (5983), 1239-1241, 2010
Quantum amplification by superradiant emission of radiation
AA Svidzinsky, L Yuan, MO Scully
Physical Review X 3 (4), 041001, 2013
Enhancing photovoltaic power by Fano-induced coherence
AA Svidzinsky, KE Dorfman, MO Scully
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (5), 053818, 2011
Quantum optics approach to radiation from atoms falling into a black hole
MO Scully, S Fulling, DM Lee, DN Page, WP Schleich, AA Svidzinsky
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (32), 8131-8136, 2018
Correlated spontaneous emission on the Danube
EA Sete, AA Svidzinsky, H Eleuch, Z Yang, RD Nevels, MO Scully
Journal of Modern Optics 57 (14-15), 1311-1330, 2010
Normal modes and stability of phase-separated trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
AA Svidzinsky, ST Chui
Physical Review A 68 (1), 013612, 2003
Using quantum coherence to generate gain in the XUV and X-ray: gain-swept superradiance and lasing without inversion
EA Sete, AA Svidzinsky, YV Rostovtsev, H Eleuch, PK Jha, S Suckewer, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18 (1), 541-553, 2011
Symmetric-asymmetric transition in mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates
AA Svidzinsky, ST Chui
Physical Review A 67 (5), 053608, 2003
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Articles 1–20