Randall W. Hill, Jr.
Randall W. Hill, Jr.
Otros nombresRandall Hill, RW Hill
USC Institute for Creative Technologies
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Toward virtual humans
WR Swartout, J Gratch, RW Hill Jr, E Hovy, S Marsella, J Rickel, D Traum
AI Magazine 27 (2), 96-96, 2006
Toward the holodeck: Integrating graphics, sound, character and story
W Swartout, R Hill, J Gratch, WL Johnson, C Kyriakakis, C LaBore, ...
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents 10 (375735 …, 2001
Toward a new generation of virtual humans for interactive experiences
J Rickel, S Marsella, J Gratch, R Hill, D Traum, W Swartout
IEEE Intelligent Systems 17 (4), 32-38, 2002
BiLAT: A game-based environment for practicing negotiation in a cultural context
JM Kim, RW Hill Jr, PJ Durlach, HC Lane, E Forbell, M Core, S Marsella, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 19 (3), 289-308, 2009
Virtual humans in the mission rehearsal exercise system
R Hill, J Gratch, S Marsella, J Rickel, W Swartout, D Traum
Künstliche Intelligenz 4 (03), 5-10, 2003
Representing and using organizational knowledge in distributed AI systems
L Gasser, NF Rouquette, RW Hill, J Lieb
Distributed artificial intelligence, 55-78, 1989
Pedagogically structured game-based training: Development of the ELECT BiLAT simulation
RW Hill, J Belanich, HC Lane, M Core, M Dixon, E Forbell, J Kim, J Hart
Proceedings of the 25th Army Science conference, 4121-4128, 2006
Development of a VR therapy application for Iraq war military personnel with PTSD
A Rizzo, J Pair, PJ McNerney, E Eastlund, B Manson, J Gratch, R Hill, ...
Studies in health technology and informatics 111, 407-413, 2005
Equivariant point network for 3d point cloud analysis
H Chen, S Liu, W Chen, H Li, R Hill
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Steve goes to Bosnia: Towards a new generation of virtual humans for interactive experiences
J Rickel, J Gratch, R Hill, S Marsella, W Swartout
AAAI spring symposium on artificial intelligence and interactive …, 2001
Intelligent agents for the synthetic battlefield: A company of rotary wing aircraft
RW Hill, J Chen, J Gratch, P Rosenbloom, M Tambe
Proceedings of the national conference on artificial intelligence, 1006-1012, 1997
Modeling perceptual attention in virtual humans
R Hill
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and …, 1999
A template-based and pattern-driven approach to situation awareness and assessment in virtual humans
W Zhang, RW Hill Jr
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Autonomous agents, 116-123, 2000
Coordinated problem solvers
L Gasser, RW Hill
Annual review of computer science 4 (1), 203-253, 1990
Why real-world planning is difficult: A tale of two applications
S Chien, R Hill Jr, X Wang, T Estlin, K Fayyad, HB Mortensen
New Directions in AI Planning, 287-298, 1996
Situated plan attribution
RW Hill, WL Johnson
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 6, 35-35, 1995
A computational model of dynamic perceptual attention for virtual humans
Y Kim, RW Hill, DR Traum
University of Southern California, 2006
Applying perceptually driven cognitive mapping to virtual urban environments
RW Hill Jr, C Han, M Van Lent
AI magazine 23 (4), 69-69, 2002
Perceptual Attention in Virtual Humans: Toward Realistic and Believable Gaze Behaviors
R Hill
Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Simulating Human Agents, 46-52, 2000
Guided Conversations about Leadership: Mentoring with Movies and Interactive Characters.
RW Hill Jr, J Douglas, A Gordon, FH Pighin, M Van Velsen
IAAI, 101-108, 2003
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