Juan Lucena
Juan Lucena
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The globally competent engineer: Working effectively with people who define problems differently
GL Downey, JC Lucena, BM Moskal, R Parkhurst, T Bigley, C Hays, ...
Journal of Engineering Education 95 (2), 107-122, 2006
Engineering justice: Transforming engineering education and practice
JA Leydens, JC Lucena
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
Engineering and sustainable community development
JC Lucena, JJ Schneider, JA Leydens
Morgan & Claypool Publishers 5 (1), 2010
Competencies beyond countries: the re‐organization of engineering education in the United States, Europe, and Latin America
J Lucena, G Downey, B Jesiek, S Elber
Journal of engineering education 97 (4), 433-447, 2008
Knowledge and professional identity in engineering: code‐switching and the metrics of progress
GL Downey, JC Lucena
History and technology 20 (4), 393-420, 2004
Invisible innovators: How low-income, first-generation students use their funds of knowledge to belong in engineering
JM Smith, JC Lucena
Engineering Studies 8 (1), 1-26, 2016
Defending the nation: US policymaking to create scientists and engineers from sputnik to the'war against terrorism'
JC Lucena
University Press of America, 2005
Engineering studies
GL Downey, JC Lucena
Handbook of science and technology studies, 167-188, 1995
Engineers, development, and engineering education: From national to sustainable community development
J Lucena, J Schneider
European Journal of Engineering Education 33 (3), 247-257, 2008
Engineering to help
J Schneider, J Lucena, JA Leydens
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 28 (4), 42-48, 2009
When students resist: Ethnography of a senior design experience in engineering education
G Downey, J Lucena
International journal of engineering education 19 (1), 168-176, 2003
Engineering selves: Hiring in to a contested field of education
GL Downey, JC Lucena
Ethics, politics, and whistleblowing in engineering, 25-43, 2018
Engineering education for social justice: Critical explorations and opportunities
J Lucena
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Where is ‘Community’?: Engineering education and sustainable community development
J Schneider, JA Leydens, J Lucena
European journal of engineering education 33 (3), 307-319, 2008
National identities in multinational worlds: engineers and'engineering cultures'
GL Downey, JC Lucena
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long …, 2005
Engineering ethics and identity: Emerging initiatives in comparative perspective
GL Downey, JC Lucena, C Mitcham
Science and Engineering Ethics 13, 463-487, 2007
Social justice: A missing, unelaborated dimension in humanitarian engineering and learning through service
JA Leydens, JC Lucena
International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian …, 2014
Globalization and organizational change: engineers’ experiences and their implications for engineering education
JC Lucena
European Journal of Engineering Education 31 (3), 321-338, 2006
Listening as a missing dimension in engineering education: Implications for sustainable community development efforts
JA Leydens, JC Lucena
IEEE transactions on professional communication 52 (4), 359-376, 2009
From sacred cow to dairy cow: Challenges and opportunities in integrating of social justice in engineering science courses
JC Lucena, JA Leydens
age 26, 1, 2015
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Artículos 1–20