Xavier Ginesta Portet
Xavier Ginesta Portet
Profesor titular de la Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya
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El fútbol y el negocio del entretenimiento global. Los clubes como multinacionales del ocio
X Ginesta Portet
Universidad de Navarra, 2011
The use of football as a country branding strategy. Case study: Qatar and the Catalan sports press
X Ginesta, J de San Eugenio
Communication & Sport 2 (3), 225-241, 2014
The critical role of stakeholder engagement in a place branding strategy: a case study of the Empordà brand
JS Eugenio-Vela, X Ginesta, M Kavaratzis
European Planning Studies 28 (7), 1393-1412, 2020
Los medios propios de los clubes de fútbol españoles. De la revista oficial a los canales de TDT
X Ginesta Portet
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2010
The business of stadia: Maximizing the use of Spanish football venues
X Ginesta
Tourism and Hospitality Research 17 (4), 411-423, 2017
Peace, sports diplomacy and corporate social responsibility: a case study of Football Club Barcelona Peace Tour 2013
J de-San-Eugenio, X Ginesta, J Xifra
Soccer & Society 18 (7), 836-848, 2017
Football and media in Europe: a new sport paradigm for the global era
M De Moragas, C Kennett, X Ginesta
Sport and the transformation of modern Europe, 128-149, 2013
Los medios alternativos e Internet: un análisis cualitativo del sistema mediático español
L Fleischman, X Ginesta, M López Calzada
Andamios 6 (11), 257-285, 2009
Political engagement principles as the basis for new regional self-determination processes in Europe: The case of Catalonia
E Ordeix, X Ginesta
American behavioral scientist 58 (7), 928-940, 2014
Los valores en el deporte: una experiencia educativa a través del Barça-Madrid
XG Portet
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 148-156, 2007
Rethinking Place Branding From a Political Perspective: Urban Governance, Public Diplomacy, and Sustainable Policy Making
JSE Xavier Ginesta
American Behavioral Scientist,, 2020
Social-media analysis for disaster prevention: Forest fire in Artenara and Valleseco, Canary Islands
G Zamarreño-Aramendia, FJ Cristòfol, J de-San-Eugenio-Vela, X Ginesta
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 6 (4), 169, 2020
Journalism, transparency and citizen participation: a methodological tool to evaluate information published on municipal websites
N Simelio, X Ginesta, J de San Eugenio Vela, M Corcoy
Information, communication & society 22 (3), 369-385, 2019
What is the next step? The champions league clubs and their sponsors. From Bwin to Qatar Sports Investment
X Ginesta
Soccer & Society 14 (1), 66-79, 2013
La construcción de la marca ‘Qatar’a partir del deporte:‘sports place branding’y prensa deportiva catalana
J San Eugenio Vela, X Ginesta Portet
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013
Las multinacionales del entretenimiento: fútbol, diplomacia, identidad y tecnología
X Ginesta
Editorial UOC, 2022
Aprendizaje Servicio Universitario: creando empleo a partir de la emprendeduría social
S Simó i Algado, X Ginesta Portet, J San Eugenio Vela
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013
Global football in the US market. The internationalization of FC Barcelona and its media coverage
X Ginesta, J de San Eugenio, P Bonet, M Ferrer
Soccer & Society 21 (2), 209-224, 2020
Corporate social responsibility and football clubs: the value of environmental sustainability as a basis for the rebranding of real Betis Balompie in Spain
G Lobillo Mora, X Ginesta, J de San Eugenio Vela
Sustainability 13 (24), 13689, 2021
La disneyització del futbol
X Ginesta
Eumo Editorial, 2021
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Artículos 1–20