Arnulfo Blanco
Arnulfo Blanco
Facultad de Biología UMSNH
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Incorporating restoration in sustainable forestry management: Using pine‐bark mulch to improve native species establishment on tephra deposits
A Blanco‐García, R Lindig‐Cisneros
Restoration Ecology 13 (4), 703-709, 2005
Nurse-plant and mulching effects on three conifer species in a Mexican temperate forest
A Blanco-García, C Sáenz-Romero, C Martorell, P Alvarado-Sosa, ...
Ecological Engineering 37 (6), 994-998, 2011
Recent evidence of Mexican temperate forest decline and the need for ex situ conservation, assisted migration, and translocation of species ensembles as adaptive management to …
C Sáenz-Romero, E Mendoza-Maya, E Gómez-Pineda, A Blanco-García, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50 (9), 843-854, 2020
Suitable climatic habitat changes for Mexican conifers along altitudinal gradients under climatic change scenarios
E Gómez‐Pineda, C Sáenz‐Romero, JM Ortega‐Rodríguez, ...
Ecological Applications 30 (2), e02041, 2020
Bird community shifts related to different forest restoration efforts: A case study from a managed habitat matrix in Mexico
I MacGregor-Fors, A Blanco-García, R Lindig-Cisneros
Ecological Engineering 36 (10), 1492-1496, 2010
Genetic variation in Abies religiosa for quantitative traits and delineation of elevational and climatic zoning for maintaining monarch butterfly overwintering sites in Mexico …
MA Ortiz-Bibian, A Blanco-García, RA Lindig-Cisneros, M Gómez-Romero, ...
Silvae Genetica 66 (1), 14-23, 2017
Ecological Restoration of Abies religiosa Forests Using Nurse Plants and Assisted Migration in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
A Carbajal-Navarro, E Navarro-Miranda, A Blanco-García, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 421, 2019
Reproductive investment of Pinus pseudostrobus along an altitudinal gradient in Western Mexico: implications of climate change
L Lopez-Toledo, M Heredia-Hernández, D Castellanos-Acuna, ...
New Forests 48, 867-881, 2017
Restauración adaptable en la Meseta Purépecha, Michoacán, México: hacia un modelo de estados y transiciones
R Lindig-Cisneros, A Blanco-García, C Sáenz-Romero, P Alvarado-Sosa, ...
Botanical Sciences, 25-31, 2007
Altitudinal range shift detected through seedling survival of Ceiba aesculifolia in an area under the influence of an urban heat island
O Valle-Díaz, A Blanco-García, C Bonfil, H Paz, R Lindig-Cisneros
Forest Ecology and Management 258 (7), 1511-1515, 2009
Test of alternative nursery propagation conditions for Lupinus elegans Kunth plants, and effects on field survival
P Alvarado-Sosa, A Blanco-García, R Lindig-Cisneros
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana 30 (2), 201-201, 2007
Desempeño de tres especies arbóreas del bosque tropical caducifolio en un ensayo de restauración ecológica
L Encino-Ruiz, R Lindig-Cisneros, M Gómez-Romero, A Blanco-García
Botanical Sciences 91 (1), 107-114, 2013
Drought years promote bark beetle outbreaks in Mexican forests of Abies religiosa and Pinus pseudostrobus
E Gómez-Pineda, WM Hammond, O Trejo-Ramirez, M Gil-Fernández, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 505, 119944, 2022
Reciprocal Common Garden Altitudinal Transplants Reveal Potential Negative Impacts of Climate Change on Abies religiosa Populations in the Monarch Butterfly …
AL Cruzado-Vargas, A Blanco-García, R Lindig-Cisneros, ...
Forests 12 (1), 69, 2021
Pinus pseudostrobus assisted migration trial with rain exclusion: maintaining Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve forest cover in an environment affected by climate change
E Gómez-Pineda, A Blanco-García, R Lindig-Cisneros, GA O’Neill, ...
New Forests 52 (6), 995-1010, 2021
Filling the gap: restoration of biodiversity for conservation in productive forest landscapes
B Díaz-Rodríguez, A Blanco-García, M Gómez-Romero, ...
Ecological Engineering 40, 88-94, 2012
E Carranza González, A Blanco García
Fasciculo 90;, 2000
Native pine species performance in response to age at planting and mulching in a site affected by volcanic ash deposition
A Blanco-García, C Sáenz-Romero, P Alvarado-Sosa, R Lindig-Cisneros
New Forests 36, 299-305, 2008
Mexican conifers differ in their capacity to face climate change
C Sáenz-Romero, M Larter, N González-Muñoz, C Wehenkel, ...
Journal of Plant Hydraulics 4, e003, 2017
Abies religiosa Seedling Limitations for Passive Restoration Practices at the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
G Guzmán-Aguilar, A Carbajal-Navarro, C Sáenz-Romero, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 115, 2020
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