Bo Pieter Johannes Andree
Bo Pieter Johannes Andree
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Revisiting the relation between economic growth and the environment; a global assessment of deforestation, pollution and carbon emission
BPJ Andrée, A Chamorro, P Spencer, E Koomen, H Dogo
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, 109221, 2019
Incidence of COVID-19 and connections with air pollution exposure: evidence from the Netherlands
BPJ Andrée
MedRxiv, 2020.04. 27.20081562, 2020
Predicting food crises
BPJ Andree, A Chamorro, A Kraay, P Spencer, D Wang
The World Bank, 2020
Assessing local and regional economic impacts of climatic extremes and feasibility of adaptation measures in Dutch arable farming systems
V Diogo, P Reidsma, B Schaap, BPJ Andree, E Koomen
Agricultural Systems 157, 216-229, 2017
Efficiency of second-generation biofuel crop subsidy schemes: Spatial heterogeneity and policy design
BPJ Andrée, V Diogo, E Koomen
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67, 848-862, 2017
An integrated global model of local urban development and population change
E Koomen, MS Van Bemmel, J Van Huijstee, BPJ Andrée, PA Ferdinand, ...
Computers, environment and urban systems 100, 101935, 2023
Stochastic modeling of food insecurity
D Wang, BPJ Andree, AF Chamorro, P Girouard Spencer
The World Bank, 2020
Altered Destinies: The Long-Term Effects of Rising Prices and Food Insecurity in the Middle East and North Africa
R Gatti, D Lederman, BPJ Andree, A Islam, F Bennett, H Assem, R Lotfi, ...
World Bank Publications, 2023
Estimating Food Price Inflation from Partial Surveys
BPJ Andree
World Bank Policy Research Working Papers, 2021
Theory and Application of Dynamic Spatial Time Series Models
BPJ Andree
Transitions into and out of food insecurity: A probabilistic approach with panel data evidence from 15 countries
D Wang, BPJ Andrée, AF Chamorro, PG Spencer
World Development 159, 106035, 2022
Smooth transition spatial autoregressive models
BPJ Andrée, F Blasques, E Koomen
TI 2017-050/III, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, 2017
Machine Learning Guided Outlook of Global Food Insecurity Consistent with Macroeconomic Forecasts
BPJ Andree
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
BPJ Andrée
World Bank Microdata Library, 2021
Probability, causality and stochastic formulations of economic theory
BPJ Andree
Available at SSRN 3422430, 2019
Pollution and expenditures in a penalized vector spatial autoregressive time series model with data-driven networks
BPJ Andrée, PG Spencer, S Azari, A Chamorro, D Wang, H Dogo
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2019
Calibration of the 2UP model
BPJ Andree, E Koomen
Spinlab Research Memorandum 13, 2017
Environment and Development: Penalized Non-Parametric Inference of Global Trends in Deforestation, Pollution and Carbon
BPJ Andrée, PG Spencer, A Chamorro
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2019
Assessing the impact of road development on household welfare in rural Papua New Guinea
C Edmonds, M Wiegand, E Koomen, M Pradhan, BPJ Andrée
Financing infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific: Capturing impacts and new …, 2018
Internal migration dynamics of native and foreign workers: an impulse–response analysis of perturbation and resilience by means of a spatial vector autoregressive model
M Gheasi, BPJ Andrée, P Nijkamp, D Roth
Regional Studies 57 (12), 2473-2490, 2023
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