Timothy Carsel
Timothy Carsel
Graduate student of Social Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
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The state of social and personality science: Rotten to the core, not so bad, getting better, or getting worse?
M Motyl, AP Demos, TS Carsel, BE Hanson, ZJ Melton, AB Mueller, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 113 (1), 34, 2017
The psychological foundations and consequences of moral conviction
LJ Skitka, AN Washburn, TS Carsel
Current Opinion in Psychology 6, 41-44, 2015
Why do some psychology researchers resist adopting proposed reforms to research practices? A description of researchers’ rationales
AN Washburn, BE Hanson, M Motyl, LJ Skitka, C Yantis, KM Wong, J Sun, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (2), 166-173, 2018
Why do some psychology researchers resist adopting proposed reforms to research practices? A description of researchers’ rationales. Advances in Methods and Practices in …
AN Washburn, BE Hanson, M Motyl, LJ Skitka, C Yantis, KM Wong, J Sun, ...
Strong scientific theorizing is needed to improve replicability in psychological science
T Carsel, AP Demos, M Motyl
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41, 2018
In Context We Trust: A Social-Cognitive Theory of Trust
TS Carsel
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020
Group Membership and Deviance Punishment: Are Deviant Ingroup Members Actually Judged more Negatively than Outgroup Ones?
E Bonetto, TS Carsel, J Adam-Troian, F Varet, LM Keeran, GL Monaco, ...
Meta-Psychology 7, 2023
Are Deviant Ingroup Members Actually Punished more Severely than Outgroup Ones? A Report of Six Failed Studies.
F Varet, E Bonetto, T Carsel, J Adam‐troian, L Keeran, GL Monaco, ...
13ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française., 2020
Researcher Rationales for not Using Proposed Reforms to Research Practices (PRRPs)
AN Washburn, M Motyl, L Skitka, BE Hanson, C Yantis, TS Carsel, ...
OSF, 2018
TS Carsel
OSF, 2016
Status of our Science-Study 1
M Motyl, L Skitka, JP Prims, ZJ Melton, BE Hanson, C Yantis, TS Carsel, ...
OSF, 2016
The Expectation of Procedural Fairness
TS Carsel
OSF, 2015
Improving Psychological Science
M Motyl, JP Prims, ZJ Melton, BE Hanson, C Yantis, L Skitka, TS Carsel, ...
OSF, 2015
Why Do Some Psychology Researchers Resist Using Proposed Reforms to Research Practices? A Description of Researchers’ Rationales Anthony N. Washburn Brittany E. Hanson
M Motyl, LJ Skitka, C Yantis, KM Wong, J Sun, JP Prims, AB Mueller, ...
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