Lisa Zorn
Lisa Zorn
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
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Choice set generation algorithm suitable for measuring route choice accessibility
N Nassir, J Ziebarth, E Sall, L Zorn
Transportation Research Record 2430 (1), 170-181, 2014
Incorporating crowding into the San Francisco activity-based travel model
L Zorn, E Sall, D Wu
Transportation 39 (4), 755-771, 2012
Integration of the FAST-TrIPs person-based dynamic transit assignment model, the SF-CHAMP regional, activity-based travel demand model, and san francisco’s citywide dynamic …
A Khani, E Sall, L Zorn, M Hickman
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2013
Completing the cycle: Incorporating CycleTracks into SF-CHAMP
L Zorn, E Sall, M Bomberg
4th Annual Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, Tampa, FL, 2012
Incorporating user based perspective of livability projects in SF-CHAMP mode choice models
M Bomberg, L Zorn, E Sall
Transportation Letters 5 (2), 83-95, 2013
The pros and cons of using the change in destination choice logsums as a practical measure of user benefits
K Villanueva, L Zorn, D Ory, D Vautin
Transportation Research Record 2672 (46), 64-72, 2018
Exploring parking pricing for congestion management using the SFCTA activity-based regional pricing model
L Zorn, E Sall, Z Bent
Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011
Incorporating Discrete Characteristics and Network Relationships of Parking into the SF-CHAMP Travel Model
L Zorn, E Sall, B Charlton
TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling, Tempe, AZ, 2011
Dynamic passenger assignment challenges
L Zorn, E Sall
Proc., 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2017
Development and Application of a Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model for San Francisco
GD Erhardt, E Sall, L Zorn, D Tischler, R Alsup, N Nassir
41st European Transport Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 2013
Making Open Transportation Data Useful and Accessible: Recommendations for Good Practices in 2 Open Data Standards Management. 3
E Sall, LLC UrbanLabs, L Zorn, D Cooper, B Sana, S Coe, PSR Council
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Creating CountDracula: An Open Source Counts Management Tool
D Tischler, L Zorn, E Sall
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
Modeling Every Hill, Bus, Traffic Signal, and Car How San Francisco Collaboratively Built a Citywide Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model
E Sall, G Erhardt, L Zorn, D Tischler, R Alsup, N Nassir
The Codebase is the Deliverable: Collaborative Software Development for Modelers
L Zorn, E Sall, D Tischler–SFCTA, R Alsup, GEP Brinckerhoff
Integrating Network-based Parking Supply Into the San Francisco Travel Demand Model
L Zorn
University of California, Berkeley, 2009
Incorporating a User-Based Perspective of Livability Projects in the SF-CHAMP Mode Choice Models
L Zorn, M Bomberg, E Sall
L Zorn, EA Sall, PT Planner, M Bomberg
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