Jessica Cheok
Cited by
Cited by
Overfishing drives over one-third of all sharks and rays toward a global extinction crisis
NK Dulvy, N Pacoureau, CL Rigby, RA Pollom, RW Jabado, DA Ebert, ...
Current Biology 31 (21), 4773-4787. e8, 2021
The thin edge of the wedge: extremely high extinction risk in wedgefishes and giant guitarfishes
PM Kyne, RW Jabado, CL Rigby, Dharmadi, MA Gore, CM Pollock, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30 (7), 1337-1361, 2020
Research advances and gaps in marine planning: towards a global database in systematic conservation planning
JG Álvarez-Romero, M Mills, VM Adams, GG Gurney, RL Pressey, ...
Biological conservation 227, 369-382, 2018
Half a century of rising extinction risk of coral reef sharks and rays
CS Sherman, CA Simpfendorfer, N Pacoureau, JH Matsushiba, HF Yan, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 15, 2023
Spatially congruent sites of importance for global shark and ray biodiversity
DH Derrick, J Cheok, NK Dulvy
PLoS One 15 (7), e0235559, 2020
Ghosts of the deep–Biodiversity, fisheries, and extinction risk of ghost sharks
B Finucci, J Cheok, DA Ebert, K Herman, PM Kyne, NK Dulvy
Fish and Fisheries 22 (2), 391-412, 2021
Sympathy for the devil: detailing the effects of planning-unit size, thematic resolution of reef classes, and socioeconomic costs on spatial priorities for marine conservation
J Cheok, RL Pressey, R Weeks, S Andréfouët, J Moloney
PLoS One 11 (11), e0164869, 2016
Squalus acanthias
B Finucci, J Cheok, GE Chiaramonte, CF Cotton, NK Dulvy, DW Kulka, ...
The IUCN red list of threatened species, 2020-3, 2020
Hexanchus griseus
B Finucci, A Barnett, KK Bineesh, J Cheok, CF Cotton, D Dharmadi
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020, 2020
The plans they are a‐changin’: More frequent iterative adjustment of regional priorities in the transition to local actions can benefit implementation
J Cheok, RL Pressey, R Weeks, J VanDerWal, C Storlie
Diversity and Distributions 24 (1), 48-57, 2018
Dipturus intermedius
JR Ellis, SR McCully-Philipps, D Sims, RHL Walls, J Cheok, D Derrick, ...
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2021
Notorynchus cepedianus
B Finucci, A Barnett, J Cheok, CF Cotton, DW Kulka, FC Neat, ...
The IUCN red list of threatened species, e. T39324A2896914. doi 10, 2020-3, 2020
Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of conservation planning at different scales: the Coral Triangle as a case study
J Cheok, R Weeks, RL Pressey
Ecology and Society 24, 2019
Scalar capital as ingredient of success in conservation governance: evidence from Melanesia
J Cheok, R Weeks, TH Morrison, RL Pressey
Global Environmental Change 62, 102057, 2020
Overfishing and climate change elevate extinction risk of endemic sharks and rays in the southwest Indian Ocean hotspot
RA Pollom, J Cheok, N Pacoureau, KS Gledhill, PM Kyne, DA Ebert, ...
PloS one 19 (9), e0306813, 2024
Notorynchus cepedianus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e. T39324A2896914
B Finucci, A Barnett, J Cheok, CF Cotton, DW Kulka, FC Neat, ...
Echinorhinus brucus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e. T41801A2956075
B Finucci, KK Bineesh, J Cheok, CF Cotton, DW Kulka, FC Neat, ...
Overfishing and climate change elevate extinction risk of endemic sharks and rays in the Southwest Indian Ocean hotspot and adjacent waters
R Pollom, J Cheok, N Pacoureau, KS Gledhill, PM Kyne, DA Ebert, ...
Coral reef governance: Strengthening community and collaborative approaches-A Vibrant Oceans Initiative Whitepaper
M Andrachuk, G Epstein, G Andriamalala, T Bambridge, N Ban, J Cheok, ...
Wildlife Conservation Society, 2022
Post-2020 Kunming 30% target can easily protect all endemic sharks and rays in the Western Indian Ocean and more
J Cheok, RW Jabado, DA Ebert, NK Dulvy
bioRxiv, 2021.03. 08.434293, 2021
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Articles 1–20