Carlos F Vargas
Carlos F Vargas
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Phenology and Phenotypic Natural Selection on the Flowering Time of a Deceit-pollinated Tropical Orchid, Myrmecophila christinae
V Parra-Tabla, CF Vargas
Annals of Botany 94 (2), 243-250, 2004
Female and male pollination success of Oncidium ascendens Lindey (Orchidaceae) in two contrasting habitat patches: forest vs agricultural field
V Parra-Tabla, CF Vargas, S Magaña-Rueda, J Navarro
Biological Conservation 94 (3), 335-340, 2000
Flowering synchrony and floral display size affect pollination success in a deceit-pollinated tropical orchid
V Parra-Tabla, CF Vargas
acta oecologica 32 (1), 26-35, 2007
Determining the vulnerability of Mexican pine forests to bark beetles of the genus Dendroctonus Erichson (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
Y Salinas-Moreno, A Ager, CF Vargas, JL Hayes, G Zúñiga
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (1), 52-61, 2010
Reproductive biology, pollen and seed dispersal, and neighborhood size in the hummingbird‐pollinated Echeveria gibbiflora (Crassulaceae)
V Parra, CF Vargas, LE Eguiarte
American Journal of Botany 80 (2), 153-159, 1993
Chloroplast diversity and population differentiation of Castanopsis fargesii (Fagaceae): a dominant tree species in evergreen broad-leaved forest of subtropical China
Y Sun, H Hu, H Huang, CF Vargas-Mendoza
Tree Genetics & Genomes 10, 1531-1539, 2014
Genetic diversity and phylogeographic analysis of Pinus leiophylla: a post‐glacial range expansion
A Rodríguez‐Banderas, CF Vargas‐Mendoza, A Buonamici, ...
Journal of Biogeography 36 (9), 1807-1820, 2009
Molecular and Phenotypic Characterization of Staphylococcus epidermidis Isolates from Healthy Conjunctiva and a Comparative Analysis with Isolates from Ocular …
LA Flores-Páez, JC Zenteno, MD Alcántar-Curiel, CF Vargas-Mendoza, ...
PLoS One 10 (8), e0135964, 2015
Evolution of bacterial genes: evidences of positive Darwinian selection and fixation of base substitutions in virulence genes of Helicobacter pylori
A Torres-Morquecho, S Giono-Cerezo, M Camorlinga-Ponce, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 10 (6), 764-776, 2010
Alternative glacial-interglacial refugia demographic hypotheses tested on Cephalocereus columna-trajani (Cactaceae) in the intertropical Mexican drylands
A Cornejo-Romero, CF Vargas-Mendoza, GF Aguilar-Martínez, ...
PLoS One 12 (4), e0175905, 2017
Nectar Production of Calliandra longipedicellata (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), an Endemic Mexican Shrub with Multiple Potential Pollinators
D Hernández‐Conrique, JF Ornelas, JG García‐Franco, CF Vargas
Biotropica 39 (4), 459-467, 2007
Is Echeveria gibbiflora (Crassulaceae) fecundity limited by pollen availability? An experimental study
V Parra‐Tabla, CF Vargas, LE Eguiarte
Functional Ecology 12 (4), 591-595, 1998
Genetic Diversity and Structure in Fragmented Populations of the Tropical Orchid Myrmecophila christinae var christinae1
CF Vargas, V Parra‐Tabla, P Feinsinger, J Leirana‐Alcocer
Biotropica 38 (6), 754-763, 2006
Population status and reproductive success of an endangered epiphytic orchid in a fragmented landscape
V Parra‐Tabla, CF Vargas, C Naval, LM Calvo, J Ollerton
Biotropica 43 (5), 640-647, 2011
Estructura y diversidad genética de Annona squamosa en huertos familiares mayas de la península de Yucatán
C Salazar, CF Vargas-Mendoza, JS Flores
Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 81 (3), 759-770, 2010
Selection on intra‐individual variation in stigma–anther distance in the tropical tree Ipomoea wolcottiana (Convolvulaceae)
G Arceo‐Gómez, CF Vargas, V Parra‐Tabla
Plant Biology 19 (3), 454-459, 2017
Colonization and diversification of the Euphorbia species (sect. Aphyllis subsect. Macaronesicae) on the Canary Islands
Y Sun, Y Li, CF Vargas-Mendoza, F Wang, F Xing
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 34454, 2016
sesA, sesB, sesC, sesD, sesE, sesG, sesH, and embp genes are genetic markers that differentiate commensal isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis from …
S Ortega-Peña, CF Vargas-Mendoza, R Franco-Cendejas, ...
Infectious Diseases 51 (6), 435-445, 2019
Genetic diversity, outcrossing rate, and demographic history along a climatic gradient in the ruderal plant Ruellia nudiflora (Acanthaceae)
CF Vargas-Mendoza, I Ortegón-Campos, D Marrufo-Zapata, CM Herrera, ...
Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 86 (2), 508-520, 2015
Estructura genética y filogeografía en cactáceas
A Cornejo Romero, CF Vargas Mendoza, P Valverde, B Rendón Aguilar
Cactáceas y suculentas mexicanas 58 (1), 4-28, 2013
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Articles 1–20