Marina Melo Duarte
Cited by
Cited by
The effectiveness of lidar remote sensing for monitoring forest cover attributes and landscape restoration
DRA Almeida, SC Stark, R Chazdon, BW Nelson, RG César, P Meli, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 438, 34-43, 2019
Diversifying growth forms in tropical forest restoration: Enrichment with vascular epiphytes
MM Duarte, S Gandolfi
Forest Ecology and Management 401, 89-98, 2017
Enriquecimento de florestas em processo de restauração: aspectos de epífitas e forófitos que podem ser considerados
MM Duarte, S Gandolfi
Hoehnea 40, 507-514, 2013
High tree diversity enhances light interception in tropical forests
MM Duarte, RA Moral, J Guillemot, CIF Zuim, C Potvin, WH Bonat, ...
Journal of Ecology 109 (7), 2597-2611, 2021
Transplante de epífitas entre Florestas Estacionais Semideciduais para enriquecimento de florestas em processo de restauração
MM Duarte
Recovery of soil phosphorus on former bauxite mines through tropical forest restoration
DTG Bizuti, T de Marchi Soares, MM Duarte, JC Casagrande, ...
Restoration Ecology 28 (5), 1237-1246, 2020
The effectiveness of lidar remote sensing for monitoring forest cover attributes and landscape restoration. For. Ecol. Manag. 438, 34–43
DRA Almeida, SC Stark, R Chazdon, BW Nelson, RG Cesar, P Meli, ...
Filho, R.; Marques, L.; Filho, CC (2021) Role-Play Simulation on Contract Bidding Negotiation
M Dias, C Nascimento, M Lima, A Santos, M Duarte, M Rocha, M Martins, ...
GSJ 9 (9), 486-499, 0
Aprendizagem baseada em problemas socioambientais de Piracicaba
VG Massabni, KMPM de Barros, AAA Bovo, AR Percequillo, FBG Mendes, ...
Divers@! 13 (2), 126-141, 2020
Enrichment of forests in process of restoration: aspects of epiphytes and phorophytes that may be considered
MM Duarte, S Gandolfi
Hoehnea 40, 507-514, 2013
How is forest restoration plantations\'functioning affected by tree diversity?
MM Duarte
Universidade de São Paulo, 2018
Riqueza arbórea de florestas tropicais em restauração influencia dinâmica de serapilheira e de raízes finas
MM Duarte, TB Sorrini, JV Melis, SA Vieira, PHS Brancalion
Ganho de escala da restauração ecológica do Brasil, 2018
Tree diversity enhances light interception by the canopy of tropical forest restoration plantations
MM Duarte, CI Ferreira, DRA de Almeida, PHS Brancalion
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Articles 1–13