A survey on model versioning approaches K Altmanninger, M Seidl, M Wimmer International Journal of Web Information Systems 5 (3), 271-304, 2009 | 258 | 2009 |
UML@ classroom M Seidl Springer, 2015 | 245 | 2015 |
Blocked clause elimination for QBF A Biere, F Lonsing, M Seidl International Conference on Automated Deduction, 101-115, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
An introduction to model versioning P Brosch, G Kappel, P Langer, M Seidl, K Wieland, M Wimmer International school on formal methods for the design of computer …, 2012 | 123 | 2012 |
SAT-based synthesis methods for safety specs R Bloem, R Könighofer, M Seidl Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 15th …, 2014 | 107 | 2014 |
AMOR–towards adaptable model versioning K Altmanninger, G Kappel, A Kusel, W Retschitzegger, M Seidl, ... 1st International Workshop on Model Co-Evolution and Consistency Management …, 2008 | 99 | 2008 |
Clause elimination for SAT and QSAT M Heule, M Järvisalo, F Lonsing, M Seidl, A Biere Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 53, 127-168, 2015 | 97 | 2015 |
An example is worth a thousand words: Composite operation modeling by-example P Brosch, P Langer, M Seidl, K Wieland, M Wimmer, G Kappel, ... Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 12th International …, 2009 | 85 | 2009 |
A posteriori operation detection in evolving software models P Langer, M Wimmer, P Brosch, M Herrmannsdörfer, M Seidl, K Wieland, ... Journal of Systems and Software 86 (2), 551-566, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Resolution-Based Certificate Extraction for QBF: (Tool Presentation) A Niemetz, M Preiner, F Lonsing, M Seidl, A Biere International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability …, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
A survey on applications of quantified Boolean formulas A Shukla, A Biere, L Pulina, M Seidl 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2019 | 70 | 2019 |
A unified proof system for QBF preprocessing MJH Heule, M Seidl, A Biere International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 91-106, 2014 | 67 | 2014 |
Why model versioning research is needed!? an experience report K Altmanninger, P Brosch, G Kappel, P Langer, M Seidl, K Wieland, ... Proceedings of the MoDSE-MCCM 2009 Workshop@ MoDELS 9, 1-12, 2009 | 67 | 2009 |
Matching Metamodels with Semantic Systems-An Experience Report. G Kappel, H Kargl, G Kramler, A Schauerhuber, M Seidl, M Strommer, ... BTW workshops, 38-52, 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
Comparing different prenexing strategies for quantified boolean formulas U Egly, M Seidl, H Tompits, S Woltran, M Zolda Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing: 6th International …, 2004 | 59 | 2004 |
The first reactive synthesis competition (SYNTCOMP 2014) S Jacobs, R Bloem, R Brenguier, R Ehlers, T Hell, R Könighofer, ... International journal on software tools for technology transfer 19, 367-390, 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
Modbat: A model-based API tester for event-driven systems CV Artho, A Biere, M Hagiya, E Platon, M Seidl, Y Tanabe, M Yamamoto Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 9th International Haifa …, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
We can work it out: Collaborative conflict resolution in model versioning P Brosch, M Seidl, K Wieland, M Wimmer, P Langer ECSCW 2009, 207-214, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Quantified boolean formulas O Beyersdorff, M Janota, F Lonsing, M Seidl Handbook of Satisfiability, 1177-1221, 2021 | 53 | 2021 |
Efficient extraction of Skolem functions from QRAT proofs MJH Heule, M Seidl, A Biere 2014 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 107-114, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |