Enrique Ojeda Trejo
Cited by
Cited by
Traditional knowledge and use of wild mushrooms by Mixtecs or Ñuu savi, the people of the rain, from Southeastern Mexico
FH Santiago, JP Moreno, BX Cázares, JJA Suárez, EO Trejo, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 12, 1-22, 2016
Provincias, regiones y subregiones terrestres de México
H Cuanalo de la Cerda
Chapingo, Texcoco, Estado de México: COLPOS, Centro de Edafología,, 1989
Manual de la Metodología para Evaluar la Aptitud de las Tierras para la Producción de los Cultivos Básicos
L Tijerina-Chávez, C Ortiz-Solorio, D Pájaro-Huertas, E Ojeda-Trejo, ...
Condiciones de Temporal. Colegio de Postgraduados. Programas de …, 1990
Evaluation of four digital classifiers for automated cartography of local soil classes based on reflectance and elevation in Mexico
G Cruz-Cardenas, CA Ortiz-Solorio, E Ojeda-Trejo, JF Martínez-Montoya, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (3), 665-679, 2010
Natural distribution and principal characteristics of Lupinus in the oriental face of Tlaloc mountain in Sierra Nevada, Mexico.
A Alderete-Chavez, VE Hernandez, EO Trejo, M Ehsan, JP Moreno, ...
Effects of different scarification treatments on the germination of Lupinus leptophyllus seeds.
A Alderete-Chavez, DA Rodríguez-Trejo, V Espinosa-Hernández, ...
Conocimiento tradicional de hongos de importancia biocultural en siete comunidades de la región chinanteca del estado de Oaxaca, México
A López-García, J Pérez-Moreno, M Jiménez-Ruiz, E Ojeda-Trejo, ...
Scientia fungorum 50, 2020
Contamination time effect on plant available fractions of cadmium and zinc in a Mexican clay loam soil.
M Ehsan, P Augustine Molumeli, V Espinosa Hernandez, A Baeza Reyes, ...
Sales solubles y metales pesados en suelos tratados con biosólidos
V Espinosa Hernández, R Maldonado Torres, JE Rubiños Panta, ...
Revista Chapingo serie ciencias forestales y del ambiente 16 (2), 241-251, 2010
Pérdida de suelo, agua y nutrientes en un Acrisol bajo diferentes sistemas agrícolas en Michoacán, México
LE Medina Orozco, M Bravo Espinosa, C Prat, M Martínez Menes, ...
Agricultura técnica en México 34 (2), 213-223, 2008
Digital mapping of farmland classes in three landscape in Mexico
G Cruz-Cardenas, CA Ortiz-Solorio, E Ojeda-Trejo, JF Martínez-Montoya, ...
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 10 (4), 414-427, 2010
Water diversion in the Valley of Mexico Basin: An environmental transformation that caused the desiccation of Lake Texcoco
C Montero-Rosado, E Ojeda-Trejo, V Espinosa-Hernández, ...
Land 11 (4), 542, 2022
Mucílago de nopal (Opuntia spp) sobre propiedades micromorfológicas y estructurales del suelo en trigo
B García Favela
Growth response of Leucaena leucocephala associated with arbuscular endomycorrhizae to applications of organic matter in an irrigated soil with sewage water
AK Gardezi, A Exebio-García, E Ojeda-Trejo, E Mejia-Saenz, ...
Callaos et al. Proceedings of the 12th World Multiconference on Systemics …, 2008
Mapping political space and local knowledge: Power and boundaries in a Hñahñu (Otomí) territory in Valle del Mezquital, Mexico, 1521–1574
JML Villalobos, EO Trejo, VV García, MK McCall, GA Galarza, MO Olguín
Journal of Historical Geography 60, 64-76, 2018
Computer-assisted cartography using topographic properties: precision and accuracy of local soil maps in central Mexico
G Cruz-Cárdenas, CA Ortiz-Solorio, E Ojeda-Trejo, JF Martínez-Montoya, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 35, 683-691, 2011
Lupines-invaded pine forest and cultivated scrublands in volcanic ash soils in Mexico: dry-sieved aggregation and instability indices.
PA Molumeli, V Espinosa Hernandez, M Ehsan, SB Valdez, E Ojeda Trejo, ...
Clave de fotointerpretación para la cartografía de tierras campesinas a escala regional
JF Martínez-Montoya, CA Ortiz-Solorio, D Pájaro-Huertas, E Ojeda-Trejo, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 21 (3), 301-309, 2003
y VM Cetina–Alcalá. 2007. Effect of arbuscular endomycorrhizas associated with cow manure in Leucaena leucocephala
AK Gardezi, E Ojeda-Trejo, E Mejia-Saenz, A Exebio-García, ...
Callaos et al. Proceedings of the 11th World Multiconference on Systemics …, 0
Mapping from spatial meaning: bridging Hñahñu (Otomi) ecological knowledge and geo-information tools
JM León Villalobos, V Vázquez García, E Ojeda Trejo, MK McCall, ...
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 15, 1-11, 2019
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Articles 1–20