Susana Marchisio
Cited by
Cited by
Spreading remote lab usage a system—A community—A Federation
GR Alves, A Fidalgo, A Marques, C Viegas, MC Felgueiras, R Costa, ...
2016 2nd international conference of the Portuguese society for engineering …, 2016
Remote experimentation in the teaching of physics in Costa Rica: First steps
C Arguedas-Matarrita, SB Concari, L Rodriguez-Gil, P Orduña, ...
2019 5th Experiment International Conference (exp. at'19), 208-212, 2019
Tecnología, educación y nuevos' ambientes de aprendizajes' una revisión del campo y derivaciones para la capacitación docente
S Marchisio
Revista Rueda 5, 10-19, 2003
Una revisión sobre desarrollo y uso de Laboratorios Virtuales y Laboratorios Remotos en la Enseñanza de la Física en Latinoamérica
C Arguedas-Matarrita, SB Concari, ST Marchisio
Primer Simposio Ibero-Americano de Tecnologías Educativas, Araranguá, Santa …, 2017
Empleo de un laboratorio remoto para promover aprendizajes significativos en la enseñanza de los dispositivos electrónicos
S Marchisio, F Lerro, O Von Pamel
Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación, 129-139, 2011
International cooperation for remote laboratory use
GR Alves, AV Fidalgo, MA Marques, MC Viegas, MC Felgueiras, RJ Costa, ...
Contributions to Higher Engineering Education, 1-31, 2018
Integration of an e-learning platform and a remote laboratory for the experimental training at distance in engineering education
F Lerro, S Marchisio, S Martini, H Massacesi, E Perretta, A Gimenez, ...
2012 9th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual …, 2012
Science education at high school: A VISIR remote lab implementation
I Evangelista, JA Farina, MI Pozzo, E Dobboletta, GR Alves, ...
2017 4th Experiment@ International Conference (exp. at'17), 13-17, 2017
Preferences and Uses of a Remote Lab from the Students' Viewpoint.
S Lerro, F., Marchisio
International Journal of Online Engineering 12 (3), 2016
Exploring complex remote laboratory ecosystems through interoperable federation chains
P Orduña, F Lerro, P Bailey, S Marchisio, K DeLong, E Perreta, ...
2013 IEEE global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 1200-1208, 2013
Development of a Remote Laboratory Management System and Integration with Social Networks.
F Lerro, P Orduña, S Marchisio, J García-Zubía
Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT 2 (3), 33-37, 2014
Do students really understand the difference between simulation and remote labs?
N Lima, C Viegas, M Zannin, A Marques, G Alves, MC Felgueiras, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems …, 2017
Experiencia con uso de simulaciones en la enseñanza de la física de los dispositivos electrónicos
S Marchisio, M Plano, J Ronco, O Von Pamel
Revista Cognición 1, 2004
A teacher training workshop to promote the use of the VISIR remote laboratory for electrical circuits teaching
C Arguedas-Matarrita, SB Concari, J García-Zubía, ST Marchisio, ...
2017 4th Experiment@ International Conference (exp. at'17), 1-6, 2017
A sustainable approach to laboratory experimentation
C Felgueiras, R Costa, GR Alves, C Viegas, A Fidalgo, MA Marques, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological …, 2019
A sustainable approach to let students do more real experiments with electrical and electronic circuits
GR Alves, M Felgueiras, C Viegas, A Fidalgo, MA Marques, R Costa, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological …, 2018
Active learning of DC circuits: Spreading the use of the VISIR remote lab in Argentina
I Evangelista, M Cadierno, J Farina, G Roldán, MI Pozzo, E Dobboletta, ...
2018 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), 1-6, 2018
Using the remote lab of electronics physics (“laboratorio remoto de física electrónica”) to support teaching and learning processes in engineering courses
F Lerro, S Marchisio, E Perretta, M Plano, M Protano
Using Remote Labs in Education, 211, 2011
A mobile remote lab system to monitor in situ thermal solar installations
GS de Arregui, M Plano, F Lerro, L Petrocelli, S Marchisio, S Concari, ...
2012 9th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual …, 2012
Improving the use of remote laboratories. The case of VISIR at Universidad Nacional de Rosario
F Lerro, ST Marchisio, SB Concari, MA Plano, C Merendino, ...
2019 5th Experiment International Conference (exp. at'19), 183-188, 2019
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Articles 1–20