Ramón Zulueta
Ramón Zulueta
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Cited by
Effect of hydropriming and biopriming on seed germination and growth of two Mexican fir tree species in danger of extinction
R Zulueta-Rodríguez, LG Hernández-Montiel, B Murillo-Amador, ...
Forests 6 (9), 3109-3122, 2015
Marine yeasts and bacteria as biological control agents against anthracnose on mango
LG Hernandez Montiel, R Zulueta Rodriguez, C Angulo, ...
Journal of Phytopathology 165 (11-12), 833-840, 2017
Mutualistic interaction of rhizobacteria with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and its antagonistic effect on Fusarium oxysporum in Carica papaya seedlings
LG Hernández-Montiel, EO Rueda-Puente, MV Cordoba-Matson, ...
Crop Protection 47, 61-66, 2013
Loss of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in trap cultures during long-term subculturing
D Trejo-Aguilar, L Lara-Capistrán, IE Maldonado-Mendoza, ...
IMA fungus 4, 161-167, 2013
Effect of Pseudomonas putida on Growth and Anthocyanin Pigment in Two Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) Cultivars
R Zulueta-Rodriguez, MV Cordoba-Matson, LG Hernandez-Montiel, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 810192, 2014
Diversity and colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the tree fern Alsophila firma in rainy and dry season
LA Lara-Pérez, JC Noa-Carrazana, S Hernández-González, ...
Symbiosis 62, 143-150, 2014
Biodiversity of AM fungi in coffee cultivated on eroded soil
L Lara-Capistran, R Zulueta-Rodriguez, B Murillo-Amador, ...
Agronomy 11 (3), 567, 2021
Efficiency of Marine Bacteria and Yeasts on the Biocontrol Activity of Pythium ultimum in Ancho-Type Pepper Seedlings
L Lara-Capistran, R Zulueta-Rodriguez, T Castellanos-Cervantes, ...
Agronomy 10 (3), 408, 2020
Respuesta agronómica de Phaseolus vulgaris a la biofertilización en campo
L Lara-Capistrán, LG Hernández-Montiel, JJ Reyes-Pérez, ...
Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas 10 (5), 1035-1046, 2019
Mycorrhizal associations of ferns and lycopods of central Veracruz, Mexico
LA Lara-Pérez, MD Valdés-Baizabal, JC Noa-Carrazana, ...
Symbiosis 65, 85-92, 2015
Effect of inoculum size of yeast Debaryomyces hansenii to control Penicillium italicum on Mexican lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) during storage
LG Hernández-Montiel, RJ Holguín-Peña, CP Larralde-Corona, ...
CYTA-Journal of Food 10 (3), 235-242, 2012
Análisis de series de tiempo en el pronóstico de la producción de caña de azúcar
J Ruiz-Ramírez, GE Hernández-Rodríguez, R Zulueta-Rodríguez
Terra latinoamericana 29 (1), 103-109, 2011
Survival and growth of Jacaratia mexicana seedlings inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a tropical dry forest
R Zulueta-Rodríguez, LG Hernandez-Montiel, B Murillo-Amador, ...
Madera y bosques 21 (3), 161-167, 2015
Biofertilization with rhizobacteria and a consortium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in citrus rootstocks
RG Chiquito-Contreras, F Osorio-Acosta, E García-Pérez, ...
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 15 (2), S72-S81, 2012
Morphology and phylogeny of Acaulospora foveata (Glomeromycetes) from Mexico
D Trejo, G Guzmán, L Lara, R Zulueta, J Palenzuela, I Sánchez-Castro, ...
Sydowia 67, 119-126, 2015
Determinación de las características productivas de cepas mexicanas silvestres de Agaricus bisporus, para su potencial uso comercial
D Salmones, H Ballesteros Hernández, R Zulueta, G Mata
Revista mexicana de micología 36, 9-16, 2012
Respuesta agronómica del chile dulce (Capsicum annuum L.) a la aplicación de Bacillus subtilis y lombricomposta en invernadero
L Lara-Capistrán, R Zulueta-Rodríguez, B Murillo-Amador, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 38 (3), 693-704, 2020
Respuesta del cultivo de maíz a la bio-inoculación y fertilización química reducida en campo
R Zulueta-Rodríguez, FC Gómez-Merino, I Alemán-Chávez, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 38 (3), 597-612, 2020
Land use and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Mexican tropical ecosystems: preliminary results
L Varela, D Trejo, FJ Álvarez-Sánchez, I Barois, E Amora-Lazcano, ...
Below-ground, biodiversity in Sierra Santa Marta, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz …, 2009
Micorriza arbuscular, Mucoromycotina y hongos septados oscuros en helechos y licófitas con distribución en México: una revisión global
LA Lara-Pérez, R Zulueta-Rodríguez, A Andrade-Torres
Revista de Biología Tropical 65 (3), 1062–1081-1062–1081, 2017
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Articles 1–20