Using isoscapes to trace the movements and foraging behavior of top predators in oceanic ecosystems BS Graham, PL Koch, SD Newsome, KW McMahon, D Aurioles Isoscapes: understanding movement, pattern, and process on earth through …, 2010 | 654 | 2010 |
The Gulf of California: review of ecosystem status and sustainability challenges. Progress in Oceanography 73, 1-26, 2007 | 437 | 2007 |
Global threats to pinnipeds. KM Kovacs, A Aguilar, D Aurioles, V Burkanov, C Campagna, N Gales, ... Marine Mammal Science 28 (2), 2012 | 301 | 2012 |
Using Carbon and Nitrogen isotopes to investigate reproductive strategies in Northeast Pacific otariids PLAGD Newsome, S.D., Etnier, M.A., Koch Marine Mammal Science 22 (3), 556-572., 2006 | 273* | 2006 |
Species-and sex-specific differences in foraging behaviour and foraging zones in blue-footed and brown boobies in the Gulf of California H Weimerskirch, SA Shaffer, Y Tremblay, DP Costa, H Gadenne, A Kato, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 391, 267-278, 2009 | 164 | 2009 |
Multiple foraging strategies in a marine apex predator, the Galapagos Sea Lion DAGSS Villegas-Amtmann, S. D. Costa, Y. Tremblay Marine Ecology Progress Series 363, 299-309, 2008 | 162 | 2008 |
Spatial and temporal variations in the diet of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) in the Gulf of California, México DAG García-Rodríguez F. Fishery Bulletin 102 (1), 47-62, 2004 | 143 | 2004 |
Size and distribution of the California sea lion population in Mexico BJ Le Boeuf, D Aurioles, R Condit, C Fox, R Gisiner, R Romero, F Sinsel Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 43 (7), 77-85, 1983 | 135 | 1983 |
Position, breadth and trophic overlap of sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. VHCEPLK Porras-Peters, H., Aurioles-Gamboa D. Marine Mammal Science 24 (3), 554–576., 2008 | 123* | 2008 |
Differences in foraging location of Mexican and California elephant seals: evidence from stable isotopes in pups D Aurioles, PL Koch, BJ Le Boeuf Marine Mammal Science 22 (2), 326-338, 2006 | 119 | 2006 |
Inferring spatial structure from time-series data: using multivariate state-space models to detect metapopulation structure of California sea lions in the Gulf of California … EEHLG Ward, J. E., H. Chirakkal, M. González-Suárez, D. Aurioles-Gamboa Journal of Applied Ecology 47, 47-56, 2010 | 118 | 2010 |
Algunos factores ecológicos que determinan la distribución y abundancia del lobo marino zuluphus californiunus, en el golfo de California DA Gamboa, AZ González Ciencias Marinas 20 (4), 535-553, 1994 | 115 | 1994 |
Population status and trends of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus californianus) in the Gulf of California, Mexico D Szteren, D Aurioles, LR Gerber Sea Lions of the World. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Fairbanks, 369-384, 2006 | 113 | 2006 |
Stable isotopes indicate differing foraging strategies in two sympatric otariids of the Galapagos Islands JDPD Páez-Rosas, D. Aurioles-Gamboa, D., Alava Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 424, 44–52, 2012 | 95 | 2012 |
Individual trophic specialization and niche segregation explain the contrasting population trends of two sympatric otariids PI Franco-Trecu V., D. Aurioles-Gamboa Marine Biology 161 (3), 609-618, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Diet and feeding overlap of two otariids, Zalophus californianus and Arctocephalus townsendi: Implications to survive environmental uncertainty AGDFJ Camacho-Ríos. Aquatic Mammals 33 (3), 315-326., 2007 | 82 | 2007 |
Marine extinctions revisited BB Pablo Del Monte, D. Lluch-Belda, E. Serviere-Zaragoza, R. Carmona, H ... Fish and Fisheries 8, 107-122, 2007 | 79* | 2007 |
Alimentary niche partitioning in the Galapagos sea lion, Zalophus wollebaeki D Páez-Rosas, D Aurioles-Gamboa Marine Biology 157, 2769-2781, 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
Prepartum and postpartum trophic segregation between sympatrically breeding female Arctocephalus australis and Otaria flavescens MAML Franco-Trecu V., D. Aurioles-Gamboa D. Journal of Mammalogy 93 (2), 414-421, 2012 | 77* | 2012 |
Adiciones a la ictiofauna de Bahía de La Paz Baja California Sur, México FGCV Balart, E., J. Castro A., D. Aurioles-Gamboa Hidrobiologica 5 (1-2), 79-85, 1995 | 77* | 1995 |