Priska Stahel Darani
Priska Stahel Darani
Other namesPriska Stahel, Priska Darani
Director of Research, Mad Barn Inc.
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Cited by
Regulation of chylomicron secretion: focus on post-assembly mechanisms
C Xiao, P Stahel, GF Lewis
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology 7 (3), 487-501, 2019
The atherogenic dyslipidemia complex and novel approaches to cardiovascular disease prevention in diabetes
P Stahel, C Xiao, RA Hegele, GF Lewis
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 34 (5), 595-604, 2018
Recent advances in triacylglycerol mobilization by the gut
C Xiao, P Stahel, AL Carreiro, KK Buhman, GF Lewis
Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 29 (3), 151-163, 2018
Oral glucose mobilizes triglyceride stores from the human intestine
C Xiao, P Stahel, AL Carreiro, YH Hung, S Dash, I Bookman, KK Buhman, ...
Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology 7 (2), 313-337, 2019
Glucose and GLP-2 (glucagon-like peptide-2) mobilize intestinal triglyceride by distinct mechanisms
P Stahel, C Xiao, X Davis, P Tso, GF Lewis
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 39 (8), 1565-1573, 2019
Of the milk sugars, galactose, but not prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharide, improves insulin sensitivity in male Sprague-Dawley rats
P Stahel, JJ Kim, C Xiao, JP Cant
PloS one 12 (2), e0172260, 2017
Emerging role of lymphatics in the regulation of intestinal lipid mobilization
C Xiao, P Stahel, A Nahmias, GF Lewis
Frontiers in Physiology 10, 1604, 2020
Use of dietary feather meal to induce histidine deficiency or imbalance in dairy cows and effects on milk composition
P Stahel, NG Purdie, JP Cant
Journal of dairy science 97 (1), 439-445, 2014
Role of the gut in diabetic dyslipidemia
P Stahel, C Xiao, A Nahmias, GF Lewis
Frontiers in endocrinology 11, 116, 2020
Glycemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: exploring the gap between risk marker and risk factor
A Nahmias, P Stahel, C Xiao, GF Lewis
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine 7, 100, 2020
Effects of intranasal insulin on endogenous glucose production in insulin‐resistant men
C Xiao, S Dash, P Stahel, GF Lewis
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 20 (7), 1751-1754, 2018
Supranutritional selenium intake from enriched milk casein impairs hepatic insulin sensitivity via attenuated IRS/PI3K/AKT signaling and decreased PGC-1α expression in male …
P Stahel, JJ Kim, SRL Cieslar, JM Warrington, C Xiao, JP Cant
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 41, 142-150, 2017
Polygenic risk for hypertriglyceridemia can mimic a major monogenic mutation
P Stahel, C Xiao, RA Hegele, GF Lewis
Annals of Internal Medicine 167 (5), 360-361, 2017
Effects of intranasal insulin on triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle production in healthy men
C Xiao, S Dash, P Stahel, GF Lewis
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 37 (9), 1776-1781, 2017
GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) is physiologically relevant for chylomicron secretion beyond its known pharmacological role
A Nahmias, P Stahel, L Tian, C Xiao, GF Lewis
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 41 (6), 1893-1900, 2021
Glucagon‐like peptide‐2 mobilizes lipids from the intestine by a systemic nitric oxide‐independent mechanism
C Xiao, P Stahel, C Morgantini, A Nahmias, S Dash, GF Lewis
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (11), 2535-2541, 2019
Multi-organ coordination of lipoprotein secretion by hormones, nutrients and neural networks
P Stahel, C Xiao, A Nahmias, L Tian, GF Lewis
Endocrine reviews 42 (6), 815-838, 2021
Selenized milk casein in the diet of BALB/c nude mice reduces growth of intramammary MCF-7 tumors
JM Warrington, JJM Kim, P Stahel, SRL Cieslar, RA Moorehead, ...
BMC cancer 13, 1-11, 2013
Intranasal glucagon acutely increases energy expenditure without inducing hyperglycaemia in overweight/obese adults
P Stahel, SJ Lee, SK Sud, A Floh, S Dash
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (6), 1357-1364, 2019
A mechanistic model of intermittent gastric emptying and glucose-insulin dynamics following a meal containing milk components
P Stahel, JP Cant, JAR MacPherson, H Berends, MA Steele
PloS one 11 (6), e0156443, 2016
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Articles 1–20