Julio Campo
Julio Campo
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Biocarbón (biochar) I: Naturaleza, historia, fabricación y uso en el suelo
A Escalante Rebolledo, G Pérez López, C Hidalgo Moreno, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 34 (3), 367-382, 2016
Estado y tendencias de los servicios ecosistémicos
P Balvanera, H Cotler, O Aburto Oropeza, A Aguilar Contreras, ...
Pulses of soil phosphorus availability in a Mexican tropical dry forest: effects of seasonality and level of wetting
J Campo, VJ Jaramillo, JM Maass
Oecologia 115, 167-172, 1998
Effects of nutrient limitation on aboveground carbon dynamics during tropical dry forest regeneration in Yucatán, Mexico
J Campo, C Vázquez-Yanes
Ecosystems 7, 311-319, 2004
Variations in soil carbon sequestration and their determinants along a precipitation gradient in seasonally dry tropical forest ecosystems
J Campo, A Merino
Global Change Biology 22 (5), 1942-1956, 2016
Soil C and N dynamics in primary and secondary seasonally dry tropical forests in Mexico
V Saynes, C Hidalgo, JD Etchevers, JE Campo
Applied Soil Ecology 29 (3), 282-289, 2005
Phosphorus cycling in a Mexican tropical dry forest ecosystem
J Campo, M Maass, VJ Jaramillo, A Martínez-Yrízar, J Sarukhán
Biogeochemistry 53, 161-179, 2001
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the survival and recruitment of seedlings of dominant tree species in two abandoned tropical dry forests in Yucatán, Mexico
E Ceccon, P Huante, J Campo
Forest ecology and management 182 (1-3), 387-402, 2003
Tree seedling dynamics in two abandoned tropical dry forests of differing successional status in Yucatán, Mexico: a field experiment with N and P fertilization
E Ceccon, S Sánchez, J Campo
Plant ecology 170, 277-285, 2004
Calcium, potassium, and magnesium cycling in aMexican tropical dry forest ecosystem
J Campo, JM Maass, VJ Jaramillo, AM Yrízar
Biogeochemistry 49, 21-36, 2000
Leaf quality and herbivory responses to soil nutrient addition in secondary tropical dry forests of Yucatán, Mexico
J Campo, R Dirzo
Journal of Tropical Ecology 19 (5), 525-530, 2003
Spatial estimation of mean temperature and precipitation in areas of scarce meteorological information
JD Gómez, JD Etchevers, AI Monterroso, C Gay, J Campo, M Martínez
Atmósfera 21 (1), 35-56, 2008
Vegetation and soil properties in two tropical dry forests of differing regeneration status in Yucatán
E Ceccon, I Olmsted, C Vázquez-Yanes, J Campo-Alves
Agrociencia 36 (5), 621-631, 2002
Drought mortality of tree seedlings in an eroded tropical pasture
C Martínez‐Garza, W Tobon, J Campo, HF Howe
Land Degradation & Development 24 (3), 287-295, 2013
Recovery of soil C and N in a tropical pasture: passive and active restoration
LL Roa‐Fuentes, C Martínez‐Garza, J Etchevers, J Campo
Land Degradation & Development 26 (3), 201-210, 2015
Plant biomass allocation across a precipitation gradient: an approach to seasonally dry tropical forest at Yucatán, Mexico
LL Roa-Fuentes, J Campo, V Parra-Tabla
Ecosystems 15, 1234-1244, 2012
Restoration planning to guide Aichi targets in a megadiverse country
W Tobón, T Urquiza‐Haas, P Koleff, M Schröter, R Ortega‐Álvarez, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (5), 1086-1097, 2017
Soil organic matter and phosphorus dynamics after low intensity prescribed burning in forests and shrubland
A Merino, E Jiménez, C Fernández, MT Fontúrbel, J Campo, JA Vega
Journal of environmental management 234, 214-225, 2019
Environmental controls on soil microbial communities in a seasonally dry tropical forest
S Pajares, J Campo, BJM Bohannan, JD Etchevers
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (17), e00342-18, 2018
Foliar nitrogen and phosphorus resorption and decomposition in the nitrogen-fixing tree Lysiloma microphyllum in primary and secondary seasonally tropical dry forests in Mexico
I Cárdenas, J Campo
Journal of Tropical Ecology 23 (1), 107-113, 2007
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Articles 1–20