Nellie Liang
Nellie Liang
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Cited by
Corporate payout policy and managerial stock incentives
GW Fenn, N Liang
Journal of financial economics 60 (1), 45-72, 2001
Initial public offerings in hot and cold markets
J Helwege, N Liang
Journal of financial and quantitative analysis 39 (3), 541-569, 2004
Is there a pecking order? Evidence from a panel of IPO firms
J Helwege, N Liang
Journal of financial economics 40 (3), 429-458, 1996
The economics of the private equity market
GW Fenn, N Liang, S Prowse
Fed. Res. Bull. 82, 26, 1996
The evolution of a financial crisis: Collapse of the asset‐backed commercial paper market
D Covitz, N Liang, GA Suarez
The Journal of Finance 68 (3), 815-848, 2013
Executive financial incentives and payout policy: Firm responses to the 2003 dividend tax cut
JR Brown, N Liang, S Weisbenner
The Journal of Finance 62 (4), 1935-1965, 2007
The private equity market: An overveiw
GW Fenn, N Liang, S Prowse
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 6 (4), 1-106, 1997
Monetary policy, financial conditions, and financial stability
T Adrian, N Liang
52nd issue (January 2018) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
Do creditor rights increase employment risk? Evidence from loan covenants
A Falato, N Liang
The Journal of Finance 71 (6), 2545-2590, 2016
The term structure of growth-at-risk
T Adrian, F Grinberg, N Liang, S Malik, J Yu
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 14 (3), 283-323, 2022
Financial stability monitoring
T Adrian, D Covitz, N Liang
Annual Review of Financial Economics 7 (1), 357-395, 2015
Individual account investment options and portfolio choice: Behavioral lessons from 401 (k) plans
JR Brown, N Liang, S Weisbenner
Journal of public Economics 91 (10), 1992-2013, 2007
Determinants of entry and profits in local banking markets
DF Amel, JN Liang
Review of Industrial Organization 12, 59-78, 1997
The evolution of a financial crisis: Panic in the asset-backed commercial paper market
DM Covitz, N Liang, GA Suarez
Investor behavior and the purchase of company stock in 401 (k) plans-the importance of plan design
N Liang, S Weisbenner
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2002
Inferring market power from time-series data: The case of the banking firm
TH Hannan, JN Liang
International Journal of Industrial Organization 11 (2), 205-218, 1993
Geographic diversification and risk in banking
N Liang, SA Rhoades
Journal of Economics and Business 40 (4), 271-284, 1988
Good news and bad news about share repurchases
GW Fenn, N Liang
Available at SSRN 113268, 1998
The incentives of mortgage servicers: Myths and realities
L Cordell, K Dynan, A Lehnert, N Liang, E Mauskopf
Share repurchases and employee stock options and their implications for S&P 500 share retirements and expected returns
N Liang, SA Sharpe
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Finance and Economics …, 1999
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Articles 1–20