Miguel Flores
Miguel Flores
Tecnológico de Monterrey
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Industrial complexes in Mexico: implications for regional industrial policy based on related variety and smart specialization
AV Gonzalez, EA Mack, M Flores
Regional Studies 51 (4), 537-547, 2017
International Emigrant Selection on Occupational Skills
MF Alexander Patt, Jens Ruhose, Simon Wiederhold
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020
Spillover effects of homicides across Mexican municipalities: A spatial regime model approach
M Flores, E Rodriguez-Oreggia
Identificación de clusters espaciales y su especialización económica en el sector de innovación
A Villarreal González, MA Flores Segovia
Región y sociedad 27 (62), 117-147, 2015
Consumer behaviour in the British retail electricity market
M Flores, CW Price
Centre for Competition Policy 1310 (9), 2013
Economic liberalization and contemporary determinants of Mexico's internal migration: an application of spatial gravity models
M Flores, M Zey, N Hoque
Spatial Economic Analysis 8 (2), 195-214, 2013
Exploring the spatial diffusion of homicides in Mexican municipalities through exploratory spatial data analysis
M Flores, A Villarreal
Cityscape 17 (1), 35-50, 2015
Patrones de co-localización espacial de la industria aeroespacial en México
A Villarreal González, SM Flores Sánchez, MA Flores Segovia
Estudios Económicos (México, DF) 31 (1), 169-211, 2016
Complejidad económica de las Zonas Económicas Especiales en México: Oportunidades de diversificación y sofisticación Industrial
F Gómez Zaldívar, E Molina, M Flores, MJ Gómez Zaldívar
Ensayos. Revista de economía 38 (1), 1-40, 2019
Global markets and the role of geographical proximity in Mexico's employment growth
M Flores, S Medellín, A Villarreal
Growth and Change 49 (3), 548-568, 2018
Patrones de aglomeración espacial de la industria creativa en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey
A Villarreal González, FM Gasca Sánchez, MA Flores Segovia
Estudios demográficos y urbanos 31 (2), 331-383, 2016
Patrones de distribución espacio-temporal de los homicidios de mujeres en México en 1990, 2000 y 2010
F Gasca, M Flores
Sociedad y economía, 15-40, 2017
Estimating a national energy security index in Mexico: A quantitative approach and public policy implications
SF Sanchez, MAF Segovia, LCR López
Energy Strategy Reviews 45, 101019, 2023
Cash incentives and unhealthy food consumption
M Flores, J Rivas
Bulletin of Economic Research 69 (1), 42-56, 2017
Distribución espacial de un índice de creatividada nivel municipal en México
A Villarreal González, MA Flores Segovia, FM Gasca Sánchez
Estudios demográficos y urbanos 33 (1), 149-186, 2018
Spatial co-location patterns of aerospace industry firms in Mexico
M Flores, A Villarreal, S Flores
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 10, 233-251, 2017
New evidence on the effects of international migration on the risk of low birthweight in Mexico
TS Sunil, M Flores, GE Garcia
Maternal & child nutrition 8 (2), 185-198, 2012
Structural factors and the “War on Drugs” effects on the upsurge in homicides in Mexico
E Rodríguez-Oreggioa, M Flores
CID Working Paper Series, 2012
A hierarchical SLX model application to violent crime in Mexico
DJ Lacombe, M Flores
The Annals of Regional Science 58 (1), 119-134, 2017
Proximity effects and labour specialization transitions in Mexico: A spatial Markov chain analysis
MA Flores-Segovia, FA Castellanos-Sosa
Regional Studies 55 (4), 575-589, 2021
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