Matthias Eckardt
Matthias Eckardt
PhD Student, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Cited by
Barriers and drivers to adult vaccination among family physicians–Insights for tailoring the immunization program in Germany
J Neufeind, C Betsch, KB Habersaat, M Eckardt, P Schmid, O Wichmann
Vaccine 38 (27), 4252-4262, 2020
Forecasting extratropical storms with hurricane intensity using satellite information
H Böttger, M Eckardt, U Katergiannakis
Journal of Applied Meteorology (1962-1982), 1259-1265, 1975
Effects of multiple chronic conditions on health care costs: an analysis based on an advanced tree-based regression model
HH König, H Leicht, H Bickel, A Fuchs, J Gensichen, W Maier, ...
BMC health services research 13, 1-13, 2013
Covid-19 across European regions: The role of border controls
M Eckardt, K Kappner, N Wolf
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP15178, 2020
Mediterranean landsurface processes assessed from space
HJ Bolle, M Eckardt, D Koslowsky, F Maselli, JM Miralles, M Menenti, ...
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
Intestinal colonization with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacterales (ESBL-PE) during long distance travel: A cohort study in a German travel clinic (2016–2017)
L Meurs, FS Lempp, N Lippmann, H Trawinski, AC Rodloff, M Eckardt, ...
Travel medicine and infectious disease 33, 101521, 2020
Dating apps and websites as tools to reach anonymous sexual contacts during an outbreak of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men, Berlin, 2017
C Ruscher, D Werber, J Thoulass, R Zimmermann, M Eckardt, C Winter, ...
Eurosurveillance 24 (21), 1800460, 2019
Analysis of health care costs in elderly patients with multiple chronic conditions using a finite mixture of generalized linear models
M Eckardt, C Brettschneider, H van den Bussche, HH König, ...
Health economics 26 (5), 582-599, 2017
Point patterns occurring on complex structures in space and space-time: An alternative network approach
M Eckardt, J Mateu
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 27 (2), 312-322, 2018
Partial and semi‐partial statistics of spatial associations for multivariate areal data
M Eckardt, J Mateu
Geographical Analysis 53 (4), 818-835, 2021
Sensor degradation and inter-calibration of the shortwave channels of the AVHRR-NOAA 11/14/16 satellites
D Koslowsky, H Billing, M Eckardt
Proceedings of the 2001 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users …, 2001
Analysing multivariate spatial point processes with continuous marks: A graphical modelling approach
M Eckardt, J Mateu
International Statistical Review 87 (1), 44-67, 2019
Marked spatial point processes: current state and extensions to point processes on linear networks
M Eckardt, M Moradi
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 29 (2), 346-378, 2024
Graphical modelling and partial characteristics for multitype and multivariate-marked spatio-temporal point processes
M Eckardt, JA González, J Mateu
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 156, 107139, 2021
Analysing highly complex and highly structured point patterns in space
M Eckardt, J Mateu
Spatial Statistics 22, 296-305, 2017
Seasonality in extra-pulmonary tuberculosis notifications in Germany 2004-2014-a time series analysis
T Charles, M Eckardt, B Karo, W Haas, S Kröger
BMC Public Health 21, 1-9, 2021
Second-order and local characteristics of network intensity functions
M Eckardt, J Mateu
Test 30 (2), 318-340, 2021
Partial characteristics for marked spatial point processes
M Eckardt, J Mateu
Environmetrics 30 (6), e2565, 2019
MultiCare Study G: Analysis of health care costs in elderly patients with multiple chronic conditions using a finite mixture of generalized linear models
M Eckardt, C Brettschneider, H van den Bussche, HH König
Health Econ, 2016
Summary characteristics for multivariate function‐valued spatial point process attributes
M Eckardt, C Comas, J Mateu
International Statistical Review, 2024
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Articles 1–20