Victoria Bernaud
Cited by
Cited by
Surgical Menopause and Estrogen Therapy Modulate the Gut Microbiota, Obesity Markers, and Spatial Memory in Rats
L Zeibich, SV Koebele, VE Bernaud, ZE Ilhan, B Dirks, SN Northup-Smith, ...
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 865, 2021
Task-dependent learning and memory deficits in the TgF344-AD rat model of Alzheimer’s disease: three key timepoints through middle-age in females
VE Bernaud, HL Bulen, VL Peņa, SV Koebele, SN Northup-Smith, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1-17, 2022
Age impacts the burden that reference memory imparts on an increasing working memory load and modifies relationships with cholinergic activity
VE Bernaud, R Hiroi, ML Poisson, AJ Castaneda, ZZ Kirshner, RB Gibbs, ...
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15, 610078, 2021
Menopause, hormone therapy and cognition: maximizing translation from preclinical research
HA Bimonte-Nelson, VE Bernaud, SV Koebele
Climacteric, 2021
How Preclinical Models of Menopause Can Inform Clinical Care: A Focus on Midlife and Reciprocal Communication Between Clinical and Preclinical Science
HA Bimonte-Nelson, VE Bernaud
Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research, 100434, 2023
Gynecological surgery in adulthood imparts cognitive and brain changes in rats: A focus on hysterectomy at short-, moderate-, and long-term intervals after surgery
SV Koebele, VE Bernaud, SN Northup-Smith, MN Willeman, IM Strouse, ...
Hormones and Behavior 155, 105411, 2023
Evaluations of memory, anxiety, and the growth factor IGF-1R after post-surgical menopause treatment with a highly selective progestin
VE Bernaud, SV Koebele, SN Northup-Smith, MN Willeman, C Barker, ...
Behavioural Brain Research 448, 114442, 2023
Learning and Memory Outcomes with Variations in Rodent Models of Menopause: Interactions Between Age, Gynecological Surgery, and Ovarian Hormone Shifts Alter the Course of …
VE Bernaud
Arizona State University, 2022
Young Adult and Middle-Age Rats Display Unique Working Memory Impairment and Differential Neurobiological Profiles following Hysterectomy
V Woner
Arizona State University, 2020
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Articles 1–9