Filipa D S Fernandes
Filipa D S Fernandes
Associate Professor in Finance
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Two-stage DEA-Truncated Regression: Application in banking efficiency and financial development
FDS Fernandes, C Stasinakis, V Bardarova
Expert Systems with Applications 96, 284-301, 2018
Cash holdings of listed and unlisted firms: new evidence from the euro area
P Asimakopoulos, S Asimakopoulos, FDS Fernandes
The European Journal of Finance 25 (17), 1708-1729, 2019
Revisiting Fama–French factors' predictability with Bayesian modelling and copula‐based portfolio optimization
Y Zhao, C Stasinakis, G Sermpinis, FDS Fernandes
International Journal of Finance & Economics 24 (4), 1443-1463, 2019
On the Real Effect of Financial Pressure: Evidence From Firm‐Level Employment During the Euro‐Area Crisis
FDS Fernandes, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 81 (3), 617-646, 2019
Corporate social responsibility and firm survival: Evidence from Chinese listed firms
FDS Fernandes, G Sermpinis, C Stasinakis, Y Zhao
British Journal of Management 35 (2), 1014-1039, 2024
Forecasting government bond spreads with heuristic models: evidence from the Eurozone periphery
F Da Silva Fernandes, C Stasinakis, Z Zekaite
Annals of Operations Research 282, 87-118, 2019
On the real effects of financial pressure: Evidence from euro area firm-level employment during the recent financial crisis.
F Fernandes, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
University of Glasgow, 2014
Why do firms extend trade credit? The role of inventories
FDS Fernandes, A Guariglia, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2024
The Effect of Climate Risk on Firm Cash Holdings: Evidence from the Euro Area
FDS Fernandes, FI Papadimitriou
Available at SSRN 4781706, 2024
Firm heterogeneity and trade credit behaviour
S Asimakopoulos, FDS Fernandes, Y Karavias
Discussion papers, 20-20, 2020
Is there a trade-off between inventories and trade credit? The role of the sovereign debt crisis
F Fernandes, A Guariglia, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
University of Essex, Essex Business School, 2020
Is there a trade-off between inventories and trade credit? The role of the sovereign debt crisis
F da Silva Fernandes, A Guariglia, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
Essex Finance Centre Working Papers, 2020
The role of the sovereign debt crisis and financial development in trade credit: Evidence from the euro area
FDS Fernandes, A Guariglia, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
Is there a Trade-Off between Inventories and Trade Credit Extended?: The Role of Sovereign Debt Crisis and Financial Development
FA da Silva Fernandes, A Guariglia, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
University of Aberdeen Business School, 2019
Discussion Papers in Economics and Finance
FDS Fernandes, A Kontonikas, S Tsoukas
Essays on firm behaviour in the euro area
FA Da Silva Fernandes
University of Glasgow, 2016
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Articles 1–16