Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation H Bathelt, A Malmberg, P Maskell Progress in human geography 28 (1), 31-56, 2004 | 7272 | 2004 |
Localised learning and industrial competitiveness P Maskell, A Malmberg Cambridge journal of economics 23 (2), 167-185, 1999 | 4180 | 1999 |
The elusive concept of localization economies: towards a knowledge-based theory of spatial clustering A Malmberg, P Maskell Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 34 (3), 429-449, 2002 | 2536 | 2002 |
Competitiveness, localised learning and regional development: Specialisation and prosperity in small open economies EV Peter Maskell, Heikki Eskelinen, Ingjaldur Hannibalsson, Anders Malmberg Routledge, 1998 | 1331* | 1998 |
Building global knowledge pipelines: The role of temporary clusters P Maskell, H Bathelt, A Malmberg European planning studies 14 (8), 997-1013, 2006 | 1107 | 2006 |
The Competitiveness of Firms and Regions: ‘Ubiquitification’and the Importance of Localized Learning P Maskell, A Malmberg European urban and regional studies 6 (1), 9-25, 1999 | 1047 | 1999 |
Localized learning revisited A Malmberg, P Maskell Growth and change 37 (1), 1-18, 2006 | 892 | 2006 |
Firms in territories: a relational perspective P Dicken, A Malmberg Economic geography 77 (4), 345-363, 2001 | 844 | 2001 |
Towards an explanation of regional specialization and industry agglomeration A Malmberg, P Maskell European planning studies 5 (1), 25-41, 1997 | 812 | 1997 |
Spatial clustering, local accumulation of knowledge and firm competitiveness A Malmberg, Ö Sölvell, I Zander Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 78 (2), 85-97, 1996 | 777 | 1996 |
Myopia, knowledge development and cluster evolution P Maskell, A Malmberg Journal of Economic Geography 7 (5), 603-618, 2007 | 721 | 2007 |
(How) do (firms in) clusters create knowledge? A Malmberg, D Power Industry and innovation 12 (4), 409-431, 2005 | 473 | 2005 |
Industrial geography: agglomeration and local milieu A Malmberg Progress in Human Geography 20 (3), 392-403, 1996 | 378 | 1996 |
Industrial geography: location and learning A Malmberg Progress in human geography 21 (4), 573-582, 1997 | 372 | 1997 |
Agglomeration and firm performance: economies of scale, localisation, and urbanisation among Swedish export firms A Malmberg, B Malmberg, P Lundequist Environment and Planning a 32 (2), 305-321, 2000 | 312 | 2000 |
The contribution of universities to innovation and economic development: in what sense a regional problem? D Power, A Malmberg Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society 1 (2), 233-245, 2008 | 281 | 2008 |
Beyond the cluster–local milieus and global connections A Malmberg Remaking the global economy, 145-159, 2003 | 264 | 2003 |
True clusters: a severe case of conceptual headache A Malmberg, D Power Clusters and regional development, 50-68, 2006 | 237 | 2006 |
Competing structural and institutional influences on the geography of production in Europe A Amin, A Malmberg Environment and Planning A 24 (3), 401-416, 1992 | 234 | 1992 |
Temporary clusters and knowledge creation: the effects of international trade fairs, conventions and other professional gatherings P Maskell, H Bathelt, A Malmberg | 191 | 2004 |