Sebastian Henn
Cited by
Cited by
The geographies of knowledge transfers over distance: toward a typology
H Bathelt, S Henn
Environment and Planning A 46 (6), 1403-1424, 2014
Emerging clusters: theoretical, empirical and political perspectives on the initial stage of cluster evolution
D Fornahl, S Henn, MP Menzel
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010
Knowledge generation and field reproduction in temporary clusters and the role of business conferences
S Henn, H Bathelt
Geoforum 58, 104-113, 2015
Understanding geographies of polarization and peripheralization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and beyond
T Lang, S Henn, K Ehrlich, W Sgibnev
Springer, 2015
The evolution of entrepreneurial ecosystems and the critical role of migrants. A Phase-Model based on a Study of IT startups in the Greater Tel Aviv Area
S Schäfer, S Henn
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (2), 317-333, 2018
Transnational entrepreneurs, global pipelines and shifting production patterns. The example of the Palanpuris in the diamond sector
S Henn
Geoforum 43 (3), 497-506, 2012
The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation
H Bathelt, P Cohendet, S Henn, L Simon
Cross-local knowledge fertilization, cluster emergence, and the generation of buzz
S Henn, H Bathelt
Industrial and Corporate Change 27 (3), 449-466, 2018
Transnational entrepreneurs and the emergence of clusters in peripheral regions. The case of the diamond cutting cluster in Gujarat (India)
S Henn
European Planning Studies 21 (11), 1779-1795, 2013
Emerging clusters: a conceptual overview
MP Menzel, S Henn, D Fornahl
Emerging clusters, 2010
Understanding New Geographies of Central and Eastern Europethe Context
PoSCoPP: Research Group Production of Space in the context of Polarization ...
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
National and regional innovation systems
H Bathelt, S Henn
The Elgar companion to innovation and knowledge creation, 457-471, 2017
Bridging ruptures: the re-emergence of the Antwerp diamond district after World War II and the role of strategic action
S Henn, E Laureys
Emerging Clusters, 2010
Innovation and knowledge creation: challenges to the field
H Bathelt, P Cohendet, S Henn, L Simon
The Elgar companion to innovation and knowledge creation, 1-22, 2017
Imperialisten, Spione oder Retter? Zur Charakterisierung von Direktinvestitionen aus Russland, Indien und China in deutschen Tageszeitungen
S Golinski, S Henn
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 59 (1), 1-19, 2015
Transnational communities and regional cluster dynamics. The case of the Palanpuris in the Antwerp diamond district: New geographies of migration
S Henn
Erde 141 (1-2), 127-147, 2010
Regions, emotions and left-behindness: a phase model for understanding the emergence of regional embitterment
M Hannemann, S Henn, S Schäfer
Regional Studies 58 (6), 1207-1218, 2024
Knowledge exchanges, trust, and secretive geographies in merger and acquisition processes
H Bathelt, S Henn
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 53 (6), 1435-1453, 2021
Transnational entrepreneurs and global knowledge transfer
S Henn, H Bathelt
The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation, 638-651, 2017
Formierung und Wirkungsgefüge regionaler Technologiecluster: Das Beispiel Nanotechnologie im Saarland und in Berlin-Brandenburg
S Henn
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 52 (1), 95-113, 2008
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Articles 1–20