Late marriage and less marriage in Japan RD Retherford, N Ogawa, R Matsukura Population and development review 27 (1), 65-102, 2001 | 378 | 2001 |
Is low fertility really a problem? Population aging, dependency, and consumption R Lee, A Mason, NTA network, R Lee, A Mason, E Amporfu, CB An, ... Science 346 (6206), 229-234, 2014 | 232 | 2014 |
Japan's transition from the demographic bonus to the demographic onus N Ogawa, M Kondo, R Matsukura Asian Population Studies 1 (2), 207-226, 2005 | 90 | 2005 |
Population decline, labor force stability, and the future of the Japanese economy RL Clark, N Ogawa, M Kondo, R Matsukura European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de Démographie 26, 207-227, 2010 | 72 | 2010 |
Declining fertility and the rising cost of children: What can NTA say about low fertility in Japan and other Asian countries? N Ogawa, A Mason, A Chawla, R Matsukura, AC Tung Asian Population Studies 5 (3), 289-307, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
Japan's unprecedented aging and changing intergenerational transfers N Ogawa, A Mason, A Chawla, R Matsukura The economic consequences of demographic change in East Asia, 131-160, 2010 | 57 | 2010 |
Ageing in Japan: the health and wealth of older persons N Ogawa, R Matsukura United Nations expert group meeting on social and economic implications of …, 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
Multivariate analysis of parity progression—based measures of the total fertility rate and its components R Retherford, N Ogawa, R Matsukura, H Eini-Zinab Demography 47 (1), 97-124, 2010 | 52 | 2010 |
Older workers and national productivity in Japan RL Clark, N Ogawa, SH Lee, R Matsukura Population and Development Review 34, 257-274, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
Low fertility, human capital, and economic growth: The importance of financial education and job retraining R Clark, R Matsukura, N Ogawa Demographic Research 29, 865-884, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Sexless marriages in Japan: Prevalence and reasons Y Moriki, K Hayashi, R Matsukura Low fertility and reproductive health in East Asia, 161-185, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Demographics of the Japanese family: Entering uncharted territory N Ogawa, RD Retherford, R Matsukura The changing Japanese family, 18-38, 2006 | 31 | 2006 |
Analysis of employment patterns and the changing demographic structure of Japan R Matsukura, N Ogawa, RL Clark Japanese Economy 34 (1), 82-153, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Some New In sights into the De mo graphic Tran si tion and Chang ing Age Struc tures in the ESCAP Re gion N Ogawa, A Chawla, R Matsukura Asia-Pacific Population Journal 24 (1), 87, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Untapped work capacity among old persons and their potential contributions to the “silver dividend” in Japan R Matsukura, S Shimizutani, N Mitsuyama, SH Lee, N Ogawa The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 12, 236-249, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Japan’s declining fertility and policy responses N Ogawa, RD Retherford, R Matsukura Ultra-Low Fertility in Pacific Asia, 58-90, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
Trends in fertility by education in Japan, 1966-2000 RD Retherford, N Ogawa, R Matsukura, H Ihara Nihon University Population Research Institute, 2004 | 20 | 2004 |
Is childcare leave effective in raising fertility in Japan? SH Lee, N Ogawa, R Matsukura Asian Population Studies 5 (3), 349-369, 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
Health and its impact on work and dependency among the elderly in Japan N Ogawa, SH Lee, R Matsukura Asian Population Studies 1 (1), 121-145, 2005 | 19 | 2005 |
27. The elderly as latent assets in agin g Japan N Ogawa, R Matsukura, A Chawla Population Aging and the Generational Economy, 475, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |