Javier Bello Pineda
Javier Bello Pineda
Investigador UV
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Modeling α-and β-diversity in a tropical forest from remotely sensed and spatial data
JL Hernández-Stefanoni, JA Gallardo-Cruz, JA Meave, D Rocchini, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 19 …, 2012
Distribution patterns of spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) at Alacranes reef, Yucatan: Spatial analysis and inference of preferential habitat
V Rios-Lara, S Salas, BP Javier, P Irene-Ayora
Fisheries Research 87 (1), 35-45, 2007
Dynamics of fishing gear and spatial allocation of fishing effort in a multispecies fleet
C Monroy, S Salas, J Bello-Pineda
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (5), 1187-1202, 2010
Comparing the performance of two spatial interpolation methods for creating a digital bathymetric model of the Yucatan submerged platform
J Bello-Pineda, JL Hernández-Stefanoni
Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 2 (3), 247-254, 2007
Comparing the use of indigenous knowledge with classification and ordination techniques for assessing the species composition and structure of vegetation in a tropical forest
JL Hernandez-Stefanoni, JB Pineda, G Valdes-Valadez
Environmental management 37, 686-702, 2006
Incorporating GIS and MCE for suitability assessment modelling of coral reef resources
J Bello-Pineda, R Ponce-Hernández, MA Liceaga-Correa
Environmental Monitoring and assessment 114, 225-256, 2006
Using aerial video to train the supervised classification of Landsat TM imagery for coral reef habitats mapping
J Bello-Pineda, MA Liceaga-Correa, H Hernández-Núñez, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 105, 145-164, 2005
Incorporating spatial analysis of habitat into spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) stock assessment at Alacranes reef, Yucatan, Mexico
PJ Bello, LV Rios, CMA Liceaga, MC Zetina, CK Cervera, BP Arceo, ...
Fisheries Research 73 (1-2), 37-47, 2005
Adaptación a los impactos del cambio climático en los humedales costeros del Golfo de México
JB Friedman
Instituto Nacional de Ecología, 2009
Programa Maestro del Sistema Producto de la pesquería de langosta en Yucatán
S Salas, J Bello, V Ríos, MA Cabrera, R Rivas, A Santa-María
CONAPESCA—CINVESTAV (Eds.). Yucatán, México, 2005
Integrating ecological and socioeconomic criteria in a GIS-based multicriteria-multiobjective analysis to develop sustainable harvesting strategies for Mexican oregano Lippia …
LT Irina, BP Javier, CBM Teresa, LA Eurídice, CILM del Carmen
Land Use Policy 81, 668-679, 2019
Population Dynamics Reveal a Core Community of the Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Open Waters of the South-Western Gulf of Mexico
J Bolanos-Jimenez, E Morteo, CA Delfin-Alfonso, PF Fruet, ER Secchi, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 753484, 2021
Modelo espacial para la detección de sitios potenciales para la alimentación de aves playeras migratorias en el noroeste de México
C Carmona-lslas, J Bello-Pineda, R Carmona, E Velarde
Huitzil 14 (1), 22-36, 2013
Caracterización ecológica del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano
H Pérez-España, J Santander-Monsalvo, J Bello-Pineda, ...
Recursos acuáticos costeros del sureste 2, 581-601, 2012
Incorporating expert knowledge for development spatial modeling in assessing ecosystem services provided by coral reefs: A tool for decision-making
PC Reyna-González, J Bello-Pineda, L Ortíz-Lozano, H Pérez-España, ...
Rev. biol. mar. oceanogr 49 (2), 279-292, 2014
Distribución espacial y estructura morfométrica de las praderas de Thalassia testudinum (Hydrocharitaceae) en dos arrecifes del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano …
LU Arellano-Méndez, J Bello-Pineda, JA Aké-Castillo, H Pérez-España, ...
Revista de Biología Tropical 64 (2), 427-448, 2016
Incorporating spatial analysis of habitat into spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) stock assessment at Alacranes reef, Yucatán, México
J Bello-Pineda, V Ríos, MA Liceaga, C Zetina, K Cervera, P Arceo, ...
Fisheries Research 73, 37-47, 2005
Economic evaluation of fisheries and tourist services of the Veracruz Reef System National Park, Mexico: a spatial approach
P Arceo, H Pérez-España, J Bello, A Granados-Barba, D Salas-Monreal, ...
Characterizing geomorphology of mesophotic coral reef ecosystems in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico: implications for conservation and management
M Mayorga-Martínez, J Bello-Pineda, H Perales-Valdivia, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 639359, 2021
Sistema de clasificación para los tipos de fondo del Arrecife Alacranes compatible con una imagen Landsat TM
J Bello-Pineda
Master degree Dissertation. Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del …, 1998
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Artículos 1–20