Rodrigo Santamaría
Cited by
Cited by
APID interactomes: providing proteome-based interactomes with controlled quality for multiple species and derived networks
D Alonso-Lopez, MA Gutiérrez, KP Lopes, C Prieto, R Santamaría, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (W1), W529-W535, 2016
BicOverlapper: a tool for bicluster visualization
R Santamaría, R Therón, L Quintales
Bioinformatics 24 (9), 1212-1213, 2008
A visual analytics approach for understanding biclustering results from microarray data
R Santamaría, R Therón, L Quintales
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-19, 2008
RUN and FYVE domain–containing protein 4 enhances autophagy and lysosome tethering in response to Interleukin-4
S Terawaki, V Camosseto, F Prete, T Wenger, A Papadopoulos, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 210 (7), 1133-1152, 2015
biclust: Bicluster algorithms
S Kaiser, R Santamaria, R Theron, L Quintales, F Leisch
R package version 0.7 2, 2009
Tagclusters: Semantic aggregation of collaborative tags beyond tagclouds
YX Chen, R Santamaría, A Butz, R Therón
Smart Graphics: 10th International Symposium, SG 2009, Salamanca, Spain, May …, 2009
Low level genome mistranslations deregulate the transcriptome and translatome and generate proteotoxic stress in yeast
JA Paredes, L Carreto, J Simões, AR Bezerra, AC Gomes, R Santamaria, ...
BMC biology 10, 1-19, 2012
Methods to bicluster validation and comparison in microarray data
R Santamaría, L Quintales, R Therón
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-IDEAL 2007: 8th …, 2007
BicOverlapper 2.0: visual analysis for gene expression
R Santamaría, R Theron, L Quintales
Bioinformatics 30 (12), 1785-1786, 2014
Treevolution: visual analysis of phylogenetic trees
R Santamaría, R Therón
Bioinformatics 25 (15), 1970-1971, 2009
Systems biology of infectious diseases: a focus on fungal infections
R Santamaría, L Rizzetto, M Bromley, T Zelante, W Lee, D Cavalieri, ...
Immunobiology 216 (11), 1212-1227, 2011
Overlapping clustered graphs: Co-authorship networks visualization
R Santamaría, R Therón
International Symposium on Smart Graphics, 190-199, 2008
Toward supporting decision-making under uncertainty in digital humanities with progressive visualization
R Therón, AG Losada, A Benito, R Santamaría
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological …, 2018
Adaptive mistranslation accelerates the evolution of fluconazole resistance and induces major genomic and gene expression alterations in Candida albicans
T Weil, R Santamaría, W Lee, J Rung, N Tocci, D Abbey, AR Bezerra, ...
Msphere 2 (4), 10.1128/msphere. 00167-17, 2017
Visualization of intersecting groups based on hypergraphs
R Santamaria, R Therón
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 93 (7), 1957-1964, 2010
A method for the complete analysis of NORM building materials by γ-ray spectrometry using HPGe detectors
B Quintana, MC Pedrosa, L Vázquez-Canelas, R Santamaría, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 134, 470-476, 2018
Voronto: mapper for expression data to ontologies
R Santamaría, P Pierre
Bioinformatics 28 (17), 2281-2282, 2012
Overlapper: movie analyzer
R Theron, R Santamaria, J Garcia, D Gomez, V Paz-Madrid
Infovis Confererence Compendium, 140-141, 2007
Visual analysis of gene expression data by means of biclustering
R Santamaría Vicente
Low-level gamma spectrometry for pollution assessment in San Simón Bay (Vigo, Spain)
B Quintana, P Álvarez-Iglesias, R Santamaría, B Rubio, M Pérez-Arlucea
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 41 (1), 400, 2006
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Articles 1–20