Tat Loon Chng
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Cited by
Electric field measurements in a near atmospheric pressure nanosecond pulse discharge with picosecond electric field induced second harmonic generation
BM Goldberg, TL Chng, A Dogariu, RB Miles
Applied Physics Letters 112 (6), 2018
Sustained propagation of ultra-lean methane/air flames with pulsed microwave energy deposition
JB Michael, TL Chng, RB Miles
Combustion and Flame 160 (4), 796-807, 2013
Electric field evolution in a diffuse ionization wave nanosecond pulse discharge in atmospheric pressure air
TL Chng, A Brisset, P Jeanney, SM Starikovskaia, IV Adamovich, ...
Plasma sources science and technology 28 (9), 09LT02, 2019
Flow control of an airfoil via injection and suction
TL Chng, A Rachman, HM Tsai, GC Zha
Journal of Aircraft 46 (1), 291-300, 2009
Electric field measurements in plasmas: how focusing strongly distorts the E-FISH signal
TL Chng, SM Starikovskaia, MC Schanne-Klein
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (12), 125002, 2020
Electric field induced second harmonic (E-FISH) generation for characterization of fast ionization wave discharges at moderate and low pressures
TL Chng, IS Orel, SM Starikovskaia, IV Adamovich
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (4), 045004, 2019
Electric field vector measurements via nanosecond electric-field-induced second-harmonic generation
TL Chng, M Naphade, BM Goldberg, IV Adamovich, SM Starikovskaia
Optics letters 45 (7), 1942-1945, 2020
Numerical study on drag reduction for grid-fin configurations
Y Zeng, J Cai, M Debiasi, TL Chng
47th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2009
On vortical flows shedding from a bluff body with a wavy trailing edge
J Cai, TL Chng, HM Tsai
Physics of Fluids 20 (6), 2008
TALIF measurements of atomic nitrogen in the afterglow of a nanosecond capillary discharge
TL Chng, ND Lepikhin, IS Orel, NA Popov, SM Starikovskaia
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (3), 035017, 2020
New diagnostic methods for laser plasma-and microwave-enhanced combustion
RB Miles, JB Michael, CM Limbach, SD McGuire, TL Chng, MR Edwards, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Effect of the electric field profile on the accuracy of E-FISH measurements in ionization waves
TL Chng, DZ Pai, O Guaitella, SM Starikovskaia, A Bourdon
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 31 (1), 015010, 2022
Spatially enhanced electric field induced second harmonic (SEEFISH) generation for measurements of electric field distributions in high-pressure plasmas
S Raskar, K Orr, IV Adamovich, TL Chng, SM Starikovskaia
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 31 (8), 085002, 2022
Two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence with various laser intensities for density measurement of ground state neutral xenon
K Kinefuchi, Y Nunome, S Cho, R Tsukizaki, TL Chng
Acta Astronautica 161, 382-388, 2019
Flow behaviour of turbulent nozzle jets issuing from bevelled collars
Y Zeng, TH New, TL Chng
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 35 (8), 1555-1564, 2011
Swept-back grid fins for transonic drag reduction
M Debiasi, Z Yan, TL Chng
28th AIAA applied aerodynamics conference, 4244, 2010
On vortex shedding from bluff bodies with base cavities
J Cai, TL Chng
Physics of Fluids 21 (3), 2009
Characterization of an optical pulse slicer for gas-phase electric field measurements using field-induced second harmonic generation
TL Chng, C Ding, M Naphade, BM Goldberg, IV Adamovich, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 15 (03), C03005, 2020
Absolute concentration measurements of atomic oxygen in a flame using radar REMPI
TL Chng, R Miles
52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1360, 2014
Radar REMPI diagnostic for low neutral density measurements of xenon in helium buffer gas: Experiments and modeling
CA Galea, MN Shneider, TL Chng, A Dogariu, RB Miles
2018 Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 3435, 2018
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Articles 1–20