Hector Rotstein
Hector Rotstein
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Cited by
Apparatus and method for non-invasive monitoring of heart performance
N Gorgenberg, H Rotstein, M Narodnitsky, A Marmor, M Gorenberg
US Patent App. 10/070,940, 2005
H2/H filtering theory and an aerospace application
H Rotstein, M Sznaier, M Idan
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 6 (4), 347-366, 1996
Real-time vision-aided localization and navigation based on three-view geometry
V Indelman, P Gurfil, E Rivlin, H Rotstein
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic systems 48 (3), 2239-2259, 2012
H2 and Design of Sampled-Data Systems Using Lifting. Part I: General Framework and Solutions
L Mirkin, HP Rotstein, ZJ Palmor
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 38 (1), 175-196, 1999
Partial aircraft state estimation from visual motion using the subspace constraints approach
P Gur fil, H Rotstein
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 24 (5), 1016-1028, 2001
H/sub/spl infin//optimization with time-domain constraints
H Rotstein, A Sideris
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 39 (4), 762-779, 1994
Fusion of fixation and odometry for vehicle navigation
A Adam, E Rivlin, H Rotstein
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 1999
Control of a camera for active vision: Foveal vision, smooth tracking and saccade
E Rivlin, H Rotstein
International Journal of Computer Vision 39, 81-96, 2000
An exact solution to continuous-time mixed H/sub 2//H/sub/spl infin//control problems
M Sznaier, H Rotstein, J Bu, A Sideris
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 45 (11), 2095-2101, 2000
An exact solution to general four-block discrete-time mixed/spl Hscr//sub 2///spl Hscr//sub/spl infin//problems via convex optimization
H Rotstein, M Sznaier
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 43 (10), 1475-1480, 1998
Graph-based distributed cooperative navigation for a general multi-robot measurement model
V Indelman, P Gurfil, E Rivlin, H Rotstein
The International Journal of Robotics Research 31 (9), 1057-1080, 2012
Single-input-single-output H∞-control with time domain constraints
A Sideris, H Rotstein
Automatica 29 (4), 969-983, 1993
Robust characteristic polynomial assignment
H Rotstein, RS Pena, J Bandoni, A Desages, J Romagnoli
Automatica 27 (4), 711-715, 1991
Finding the focus of expansion and estimating range using optical flow images and a matched filter
D Sazbon, H Rotstein, E Rivlin
Machine Vision and Applications 15, 229-236, 2004
Transcutaneous electrical therapeutic device
M Naroditsky, H Rotstein
US Patent 8,355,790, 2013
H2 and \Hinf Design of Sampled-Data Systems Using Lifting. Part II: Properties of Systems in the Lifted Domain
L Mirkin, HP Rotstein, ZJ Palmor
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 38 (1), 197-218, 1999
Distributed vision-aided cooperative localization and navigation based on three-view geometry
V Indelman, P Gurfil, E Rivlin, H Rotstein
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 60 (6), 822-840, 2012
Pose and motion recovery from feature correspondences and a digital terrain map
R Lerner, E Rivlin, HP Rotstein
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28 (9), 1404-1417, 2006
On the characterization of sampled-data controllers in the lifted domain
L Mirkin, H Rotstein
Systems & control letters 29 (5), 269-277, 1997
Apparatus and method for non-invasive monitoring of cardiac performance
M Gorenberg, H Rotstein, M Naroditzky, A Marmor, E Dafni
US Patent App. 10/492,336, 2005
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Articles 1–20