Hossein Bonakdari
Hossein Bonakdari
Associate Professor
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Novel approach for streamflow forecasting using a hybrid ANFIS-FFA model
ZM Yaseen, I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari, RC Deo, AD Mehr, WHMW Mohtar, ...
Journal of Hydrology 554, 263-276, 2017
GMDH-type neural network approach for modeling the discharge coefficient of rectangular sharp-crested side weirs
I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari, AH Zaji, H Azimi, F Khoshbin
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 18 (4), 746-757, 2015
Application of firefly algorithm-based support vector machines for prediction of field capacity and permanent wilting point
MA Ghorbani, S Shamshirband, DZ Haghi, A Azani, H Bonakdari, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 172, 32-38, 2017
Gene expression programming to predict the discharge coefficient in rectangular side weirs
I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari, AH Zaji, H Azimi, A Sharifi
Applied Soft Computing 35, 618-628, 2015
Evaluation of sediment transport in sewer using artificial neural network
I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 7 (3), 382-392, 2013
Rainfall pattern forecasting using novel hybrid intelligent model based ANFIS-FFA
ZM Yaseen, MI Ghareb, I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari, R Siddique, S Heddam, ...
Water resources management 32, 105-122, 2018
Performance evaluation of adaptive neural fuzzy inference system for sediment transport in sewers
I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari
Water resources management 28, 4765-4779, 2014
Turbulent velocity profile in fully-developed open channel flows
H Bonakdari, F Larrarte, L Lassabatere, C Joannis
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 8 (1), 1-17, 2008
Predicting wastewater treatment plant quality parameters using a novel hybrid linear-nonlinear methodology
K Lotfi, H Bonakdari, I Ebtehaj, FS Mjalli, M Zeynoddin, R Delatolla, ...
Journal of environmental management 240, 463-474, 2019
An integrated framework of extreme learning machines for predicting scour at pile groups in clear water condition
I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari, F Moradi, B Gharabaghi, ZS Khozani
Coastal Engineering 135, 1-15, 2018
Comparative analysis of GMDH neural network based on genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization in stable channel design
S Shaghaghi, H Bonakdari, A Gholami, I Ebtehaj, M Zeinolabedini
Applied Mathematics and Computation 313, 271-286, 2017
Novel hybrid data-intelligence model for forecasting monthly rainfall with uncertainty analysis
ZM Yaseen, I Ebtehaj, S Kim, H Sanikhani, H Asadi, MI Ghareb, ...
Water 11 (3), 502, 2019
Novel hybrid linear stochastic with non-linear extreme learning machine methods for forecasting monthly rainfall a tropical climate
M Zeynoddin, H Bonakdari, A Azari, I Ebtehaj, B Gharabaghi, ...
Journal of environmental management 222, 190-206, 2018
Implementation of univariate paradigm for streamflow simulation using hybrid data-driven model: Case study in tropical region
ZM Yaseen, WHMW Mohtar, AMS Ameen, I Ebtehaj, SFM Razali, ...
Ieee Access 7, 74471-74481, 2019
Pareto genetic design of group method of data handling type neural network for prediction discharge coefficient in rectangular side orifices
I Ebtehaj, H Bonakdari, F Khoshbin, H Azimi
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 41, 67-74, 2015
Experimental and numerical study on velocity fields and water surface profile in a strongly-curved 90 open channel bend
A Gholami, A Akbar Akhtari, Y Minatour, H Bonakdari, AA Javadi
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 8 (3), 447-461, 2014
Numerical analysis and prediction of the velocity field in curved open channel using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm
H Bonakdari, S Baghalian, F Nazari, M Fazli
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 5 (3), 384-396, 2011
Design of radial basis function-based support vector regression in predicting the discharge coefficient of a side weir in a trapezoidal channel
H Azimi, H Bonakdari, I Ebtehaj
Applied Water Science 9, 1-12, 2019
Evolutionary design of generalized group method of data handling-type neural network for estimating the hydraulic jump roller length
H Azimi, H Bonakdari, I Ebtehaj, B Gharabaghi, F Khoshbin
Acta Mechanica 229, 1197-1214, 2018
A reliable linear stochastic daily soil temperature forecast model
M Zeynoddin, H Bonakdari, I Ebtehaj, F Esmaeilbeiki, B Gharabaghi, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 189, 73-87, 2019
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Articles 1–20