Nikolaj Goranin
Nikolaj Goranin
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
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A fuzzy WASPAS-based approach to determine critical information infrastructures of EU sustainable development
Z Turskis, N Goranin, A Nurusheva, S Boranbayev
Sustainability 11 (2), 424, 2019
Information security risk assessment in critical infrastructure: a hybrid MCDM approach
Z Turskis, N Goranin, A Nurusheva, S Boranbayev
Informatica 30 (1), 187-211, 2019
Security ontology for adaptive mapping of security standards
S Ramanauskaitė, D Olifer, N Goranin, A Čenys
Agora University Editing House, 2013
Implementation of honeytoken module in dbms oracle 9ir2 enterprise edition for internal malicious activity detection
A Cenys, D Rainys, L Radvilavius, N Gotanin
IEEE Computer Society’s TC on Security and Privacy, 1-13, 2005
The methods and technologies of reliability and security of information systems and information and communication infrastructures
S Boranbayev, N Goranin, A Nurusheva
Little Lion Scientific, 2018
Towards a robust method of dataset generation of malicious activity for anomaly-based HIDS training and presentation of AWSCTD dataset
D Čeponis, N Goranin
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 6 (3), 217-234, 2018
Investigation of dual-flow deep learning models LSTM-FCN and GRU-FCN efficiency against single-flow CNN models for the host-based intrusion and malware detection task on …
D Čeponis, N Goranin
Applied Sciences 10 (7), 2373, 2020
Controls-based approach for evaluation of information security standards implementation costs
D Olifer, N Goranin, A Kaceniauskas, A Cenys
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 23 (1), 196-219, 2017
Automated expert system knowledge base development method for information security risk analysis
D Vitkus, Ž Steckevičius, N Goranin, D Kalibatienė, A Čenys
International journal of computers, communications and control. 14 (6), 743-758, 2019
Evolutionary Algorithms Application Analysis in Biometric Systems.
N Goranin, A Cenys
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 3 (1), 2010
High-Level Self-Sustaining Information Security Management Framework.
L Kauspadiene, A Cenys, N Goranin, S Tjoa, S Ramanauskaite
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 5 (1), 2017
Enterprise architecture modeling based on cloud computing security ontology as a reference model
J Janulevičius, L Marozas, A Čenys, N Goranin, S Ramanauskaitė
2017 open conference of electrical, electronic and information sciences …, 2017
Method for real time face recognition application in unmanned aerial vehicles
R Jurevičius, N Goranin, J Janulevičius, J Nugaras, I Suzdalev, ...
Aviation 23 (2), 65-70, 2019
The application of Hough transform and Canny edge detector methods for the visual detection of cumuliform clouds
A Lapušinskij, I Suzdalev, N Goranin, J Janulevičius, S Ramanauskaitė, ...
Sensors 21 (17), 5821, 2021
Method for attack tree data transformation and import into IT risk analysis expert systems
D Vitkus, J Salter, N Goranin, D Čeponis
Applied Sciences 10 (23), 8423, 2020
Genetic algorithm based internet worm propagation strategy modeling
N Goranin, A Čenys
Information Technology And Control 37 (2), 2008
Evaluation of deep learning methods efficiency for malicious and benign system calls classification on the AWSCTD
D Čeponis, N Goranin
Security and Communication Networks 2019 (1), 2317976, 2019
Modelling influence of Botnet features on effectiveness of DDoS attacks
S Ramanauskaitė, N Goranin, A Čenys, J Juknius
Security and Communication Networks 8 (12), 2090-2101, 2015
Genetic algorithm based palm recognition method for biometric authentication systems
A Cenys, D Gibavicius, N Goranin, L Marozas
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 19 (2), 69-74, 2013
Defining the minimum security baseline in a multiple security standards environment by graph theory techniques
D Olifer, N Goranin, A Cenys, A Kaceniauskas, J Janulevicius
Applied Sciences 9 (4), 681, 2019
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