Contestable markets and the theory of industry structure WJ Baumol, JC Panzar, RD Willig New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982 | 9593* | 1982 |
Economies of scope JC Panzar, RD Willig The American Economic Review 71 (2), 268-272, 1981 | 2295 | 1981 |
Testing for" monopoly" equilibrium JC Panzar, JN Rosse The journal of industrial economics, 443-456, 1987 | 2284 | 1987 |
Economies of scale in multi-output production JC Panzar, RD Willig The Quarterly Journal of Economics 91 (3), 481-493, 1977 | 895 | 1977 |
Free entry and the sustainability of natural monopoly JC Panzar, RD Willig The Bell Journal of Economics, 1-22, 1977 | 429 | 1977 |
Technological determinants of firm and industry structure JC Panzar Handbook of industrial organization 1, 3-59, 1989 | 428 | 1989 |
Report of the Commission on Graduate Education in Economics et. al. Krueger Journal of Economic Literature 29 (No. 3), 1035-1053, 1991 | 398 | 1991 |
Contestable markets: An uprising in the theory of industry structure: Reply WJ Baumol, JC Panzar, RD Willig The American Economic Review 73 (3), 491-496, 1983 | 363 | 1983 |
The contestability of airline markets during the transition to deregulation EE Bailey, JC Panzar J. Reprints Antitrust L. & Econ. 14, 473, 1984 | 354 | 1984 |
Chamberlin vs. Robinson: An empirical test for monopoly rents JN Rosse, JC Panzar Bell Laboratories, 1977 | 348 | 1977 |
Effects of the change from rate-of-return to price-cap regulation RR Braeutigam, JC Panzar The American Economic Review 83 (2), 191-198, 1993 | 297 | 1993 |
RD [1982]: Contestable markets and the theory of industry structure WJ Baumol, JW Panzar, R Willig San Diego: Hartcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982 | 293* | 1982 |
Structure, conduct, and comparative statistics JC Panzar, JN Rosse Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1982 | 290 | 1982 |
Diversification incentives under" price-based" and" cost-based" regulation RR Braeutigam, JC Panzar The RAND Journal of Economics, 373-391, 1989 | 250 | 1989 |
An economic analysis of alternative fee shifting systems R Braeutigam, B Owen, J Panzar Law and Contemporary Problems 47 (1), 173-185, 1984 | 199 | 1984 |
A neoclassical approach to peak load pricing JC Panzar The Bell Journal of Economics, 521-530, 1976 | 179 | 1976 |
Economies of scale and economies of scope in multi-output production JC Panzar, RD Willig Bell Laboratories economic discussion paper 33, 1975 | 170 | 1975 |
Equilibrium and welfare in unregulated airline markets JC Panzar The American Economic Review 69 (2), 92-95, 1979 | 166 | 1979 |
Public utility pricing under risk: The case of self-rationing JC Panzar, DS Sibley The American Economic Review 68 (5), 888-895, 1978 | 132 | 1978 |
A methodology for measuring the costs of universal service obligations JC Panzar Information economics and policy 12 (3), 211-211, 2000 | 114 | 2000 |