Ariel Kalil
Ariel Kalil
Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago
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Early‐childhood poverty and adult attainment, behavior, and health
GJ Duncan, KM Ziol‐Guest, A Kalil
Child development 81 (1), 306-325, 2010
Barriers to the employment of welfare recipients
S Danziger, M Corcoran, S Danziger, C Heflin, A Kalil, J Levine, D Rosen, ...
Prosperity for all? The economic boom and African Americans, 245-78, 2000
Diverging destinies: Maternal education and the developmental gradient in time with children
A Kalil, R Ryan, M Corey
Demography 49, 1361-1383, 2012
Mixing qualitative and quantitative research in developmental science: uses and methodological choices.
H Yoshikawa, TS Weisner, A Kalil, N Way
Developmental psychology 44 (2), 344, 2008
Good things come in threes: Single-parent multigenerational family structure and adolescent adjustment
T DeLeire, A Kalil
Demography 39 (2), 393-413, 2002
The importance of early childhood poverty
GJ Duncan, K Magnuson, A Kalil, K Ziol-Guest
Social Indicators Research 108, 87-98, 2012
The effects of parental undocumented status on the developmental contexts of young children in immigrant families
H Yoshikawa, A Kalil
Child Development Perspectives 5 (4), 291-297, 2011
Does consumption buy happiness? Evidence from the United States
T DeLeire, A Kalil
International Review of Economics 57, 163-176, 2010
How welfare reform is affecting women's work
M Corcoran, SK Danziger, A Kalil, KS Seefeldt
Annual Review of Sociology 26 (1), 241-269, 2000
Using behavioral insights to increase parental engagement: The parents and children together intervention
SE Mayer, A Kalil, P Oreopoulos, S Gallegos
Journal of Human Resources 54 (4), 900-925, 2019
Family resilience and good child outcomes
A Kalil
Wellington: Ministry of Social Development, 2003
Human capital, physical health, and mental health of welfare recipients: Co‐occurrence and correlates
SK Danziger, A Kalil, NJ Anderson
Journal of Social Issues 56 (4), 635-654, 2000
Parental employment circumstances and children’s academic progress
A Kalil, KM Ziol-Guest
Social Science Research 37 (2), 500-515, 2008
Perceptions of father involvement patterns in teenage‐mother families: Predictors and links to mothers’ psychological adjustment*
A Kalil, KM Ziol‐Guest, RL Coley
Family Relations 54 (2), 197-211, 2005
Mothers' economic conditions and sources of support in fragile families
A Kalil, RM Ryan
The Future of Children, 39-61, 2010
Maternal employment, work schedules, and children’s body mass index
TW Morrissey, RE Dunifon, A Kalil
Child development 82 (1), 66-81, 2011
Sanctions and material hardship under TANF
A Kalil, KS Seefeldt, H Wang
Social Service Review 76 (4), 642-662, 2002
Time investments in children across family structures
A Kalil, R Ryan, E Chor
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 654 (1 …, 2014
Inequality begins at home: The role of parenting in the diverging destinies of rich and poor children
A Kalil
Families in an era of increasing inequality: Diverging destinies, 63-82, 2014
Mixing qualitative and quantitative research in developmental science: uses and methodological choices.
H Yoshikawa, TS Weisner, A Kalil, N Way
Educational Publishing Foundation 1 (S), 3, 2013
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Articles 1–20