David Solis
David Solis
Hella Automotive Mexico
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Enhancement of Upconversion Emission of LaPO4:Er@Yb Core−Shell Nanoparticles/Nanorods
P Ghosh, J Oliva, ED Rosa, KK Haldar, D Solis, A Patra
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (26), 9650-9658, 2008
Role of Yb3+ and Er3+ concentration on the tunability of green-yellow-red upconversion emission of codoped ZrO2: Yb3+–Er3+ nanocrystals
D Solis, E De la Rosa, O Meza, LA Diaz-Torres, P Salas, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2), 2010
Color tunability of the upconversion emission in Er–Yb doped the wide band gap nanophosphors ZrO2 and Y2O3
O Meza, LA Diaz-Torres, P Salas, E De la Rosa, D Solis
Materials Science and Engineering: B 174 (1-3), 177-181, 2010
Surfactant effect on the upconversion emission and decay time of ZrO2: Yb-Er nanocrystals
D Solís, T López-Luke, E De la Rosa, P Salas, C Angeles-Chavez
Journal of Luminescence 129 (5), 449-455, 2009
Influence of surface coating on the upconversion emission properties of LaPO4: Yb/Tm core-shell nanorods
P Ghosh, E de la Rosa, J Oliva, D Solis, A Kar, A Patra
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (11), 2009
Blue-green upconversion emission in ZrO2: Yb3+ nanocrystals
E De la Rosa, D Solis, LA Díaz-Torres, P Salas, C Angeles-Chavez, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (10), 2008
Visible upconversion emission and non-radiative direct Yb3+ to Er3+ energy transfer processes in nanocrystalline ZrO2: Yb3+, Er3+
LA Diaz-Torres, O Meza, D Solis, P Salas, E De la Rosa
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 49 (6), 703-708, 2011
Effect of the CTAB concentration on the upconversion emission of ZrO2: Er3+ nanocrystals
T Lopez-Luke, E De la Rosa, D Solis, P Salas, C Angeles-Chavez, ...
Optical Materials 29 (1), 31-37, 2006
Green upconverted emission enhancement of ZrO2: Yb3+–Ho3+ nanocrystals
D Solis, E De la Rosa, P Salas, C Angeles-Chávez
Journal of Physics D: applied physics 42 (23), 235105, 2009
Cooperative pair driven quenching of Yb3+ emission in nanocrystalline ZrO2: Yb3+
O Meza, LA Diaz-Torres, P Salas, E De la Rosa, C Angeles-Chavez, ...
Journal of Nano Research 5, 121-134, 2009
Synthesis and characterization of upconversion emission on lanthanides doped ZrO [sub] 2 [/sub] nanocrystals coated with SiO [sub] 2 [/sub] for biological applications
T López-Luke, E De La Rosa, AL González-Yebra, B González-Yebra, ...
Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical …, 2010
Up-converted luminescent properties of rare-earth doped ZrO 2 nanocrystals
D Solís
Phd thesis, 2010
D Solís
Method and apparatus for vehicle lighting
J Hemon, E Granell, D Solís
US Patent 10655807B2, 2020
Syntonized white up-converted emission by Tm3+-Yb3+-Er3+-Ho3+ doped ZrO2 nanocrystals
D Solís, T López-Luke, E De La Rosa, O Meza, S Anderson
Light-Emitting Diodes: Materials, Devices, and Applications for Solid State …, 2010
Green upconverted emission enhancement of ZrO {sub 2}: Yb {sup 3+}-Ho {sup 3+} nanocrystals
D SolIs, E De la Rosa, P Salas, C Angeles-Chavez
Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics 42, 2009
Effects of Non-radiative energy transfer processes on the visible upconversion in ZrO2: Yb 3/Er 3 nanocrystals
O Meza, LA Díaz-Torres, P Salas, E De la Rosa, D Solís
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Articles 1–17