Salvador Zarco-Perello
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Cited by
Tropicalization strengthens consumer pressure on habitat-forming seaweeds
S Zarco-Perello, T Wernberg, TJ Langlois, MA Vanderklift
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 820, 2017
Ordinary kriging vs inverse distance weighting: spatial interpolation of the sessile community of Madagascar reef, Gulf of Mexico
S Zarco-Perello, N Simões
PeerJ 5, e4078, 2017
Remote underwater video reveals higher fish diversity and abundance in seagrass meadows, and habitat differences in trophic interactions
S Zarco-Perello, S Enríquez
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6596, 2019
Topography and coral community of the Sisal Reefs, Campeche Bank, Yucatán, México.
S Zarco-Perelló, M Mascaró, R Garza-Pérez, N Simoes
Hidrobiológica 23 (1), 28-41, 2013
Persistent thermally driven shift in the functional trait structure of herbivorous fishes: Evidence of top‐down control on the rebound potential of temperate seaweed forests?
NE Bosch, M McLean, S Zarco‐Perello, S Bennett, RD Stuart‐Smith, ...
Global change biology 28 (7), 2296-2311, 2022
Overwintering tropical herbivores accelerate detritus production on temperate reefs
S Zarco-Perello, TJ Langlois, T Holmes, MA Vanderklift, T Wernberg
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1915), 20192046, 2019
Range‐extending tropical herbivores increase diversity, intensity and extent of herbivory functions in temperate marine ecosystems
S Zarco‐Perello, G Carroll, M Vanderklift, T Holmes, TJ Langlois, ...
Functional Ecology 34 (11), 2411-2421, 2020
Temperature-growth performance curves for a coral reef fish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus
S Zarco-Perello, M Pratchett, V Liao
Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 14 (1), 97-103, 2012
Persistence of tropical herbivores in temperate reefs constrains kelp resilience to cryptic habitats
S Zarco‐Perello, NE Bosch, S Bennett, MA Vanderklift, T Wernberg
Journal of Ecology 109 (5), 2081-2094, 2021
Checklist of Fishes from Madagascar Reef, Campeche Bank, México
S Zarco-Perello, R Moreno-Mendoza, N Simões
Biodiversity Data Journal 2, e1100, 2014
Intergrading reef communities across discrete seaweed habitats in a temperate–tropical transition zone: Lessons for species reshuffling in a warming ocean
Y Mulders, K Filbee‐Dexter, S Bell, NE Bosch, A Pessarrodona, D Sahin, ...
Ecology and evolution 12 (1), e8538, 2022
Feeding preferences of range-shifting and native herbivorous fishes in temperate ecosystems
S Barrientos, S Zarco-Perello, C Piñeiro-Corbeira, R Barreiro, T Wernberg
Marine environmental research 172, 105508, 2021
Maximization of fitness by phenological and phenotypic plasticity in range expanding rabbitfishes (Siganidae)
S Zarco‐Perello, D Fairclough, C Dowling, J DiBattista, R Austin, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (8), 1666-1678, 2022
Biogeographical diet variation within and between the rabbitfishes Siganus corallinus, Siganus doliatus, Siganus trispilos and Siganus virgatus
S Zarco‐Perello, SB Martin, A Hoey
Ecology and Evolution 14 (6), e11326, 2024
Data from: Biogeographical diet variation within and between the rabbitfishes Siganus corallinus, Siganus doliatus, Siganus trispilos and Siganus virgatus
S Zarco-Perello, S Martin, A Hoey
Dryad, 2024
Biogeographical diet variation within and between the rabbitfishes Siganus corallinus, Siganus virgatus, Siganus doliatus and Siganus trispilos
S Zarco-Perello, A Hoey, S Martin
EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Refining the trophic diversity, ecological network structure, and bottom-up importance of prey groups for temperate reef fishes
S Zarco-Perello, S Bennett, J Goetze, T Holmes, R Stuart-Smith, ER White
EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Persistence and trophic interactions of range-expanding tropical herbivores in Southwestern Australia: Implications for the functioning of temperate ecosystems
SZ Perello
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Articles 1–18