Roland Langrock
Roland Langrock
Statistics and Data Analysis group, Bielefeld University
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Hidden Markov Models for Time Series: An Introduction Using R
W Zucchini, IL MacDonald, R Langrock
Flexible and practical modeling of animal telemetry data: hidden Markov models and extensions
R Langrock, R King, J Matthiopoulos, L Thomas, D Fortin, JM Morales
Ecology 93 (11), 2336-2342, 2012
moveHMM: an R package for the statistical modelling of animal movement data using hidden Markov models
T Michelot, R Langrock, TA Patterson
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (11), 1308-1315, 2016
Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement
R Nathan, CT Monk, R Arlinghaus, T Adam, J Alós, M Assaf, H Baktoft, ...
Science 375 (6582), eabg1780, 2022
Selecting the number of states in hidden Markov models — pragmatic solutions illustrated using animal movement
J Pohle, R Langrock, F van Beest, NM Schmidt
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 2017
Statistical modelling of individual animal movement: an overview of key methods and a discussion of practical challenges
TA Patterson, A Parton, R Langrock, PG Blackwell, L Thomas, R King
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 2017
Uncovering ecological state dynamics with hidden Markov models
BT McClintock, R Langrock, O Gimenez, E Cam, DL Borchers, R Glennie, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (12), 1878-1903, 2020
Analysis of animal accelerometer data using hidden Markov models
V Leos‐Barajas, T Photopoulou, R Langrock, TA Patterson, YY Watanabe, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), 161-173, 2017
A multivariate mixed hidden Markov model for blue whale behaviour and responses to sound exposure
SL DeRuiter, R Langrock, T Skirbutas, JA Goldbogen, J Chalambokidis, ...
The Annals of Applied Statistics 11 (1), 362-392, 2017
Sex‐specific and individual preferences for hunting strategies in white sharks
AV Towner, V Leos‐Barajas, R Langrock, RS Schick, MJ Smale, ...
Functional Ecology 30, 1397-1407, 2016
Modelling group dynamic animal movement
R Langrock, G Hopcraft, P Blackwell, V Goodall, R King, M Niu, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (2), 190-199, 2014
Multi-scale modeling of animal movement and general behavior data using hidden Markov models with hierarchical structures
V Leos-Barajas, EJ Gangloff, T Adam, R Langrock, FM Van Beest, ...
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 22, 232-248, 2017
Hidden Markov models with arbitrary state dwell-time distributions
R Langrock, W Zucchini
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55 (1), 715-724, 2011
Activity seascapes highlight central place foraging strategies in marine predators that never stop swimming
YP Papastamatiou, YY Watanabe, U Demšar, V Leos-Barajas, D Bradley, ...
Movement Ecology 6 (1), 9, 2018
Using mixed hidden Markov models to examine behavioral states in a cooperatively breeding bird
AE McKellar, R Langrock, JR Walters, DC Kesler
Behavioral Ecology 26 (1), 148-157, 2015
Estimation and simulation of foraging trips in land-based marine predators
T Michelot, R Langrock, S Bestley, ID Jonsen, T Photopoulou, ...
Ecology, 2017
Using hidden Markov models to deal with availability bias on line transect surveys
D Borchers, W Zucchini, M Heide-Jorgensen, A Canadas, R Langrock
Biometrics 69 (3), 703-713, 2013
Joint modelling of multi‐scale animal movement data using hierarchical hidden Markov models
T Adam, CA Griffiths, V Leos‐Barajas, EN Meese, CG Lowe, PG Blackwell, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2019
Classifying grey seal behaviour in relation to environmental variability and commercial fishing activity-a multivariate hidden Markov model
FM van Beest, S Mews, S Elkenkamp, P Schuhmann, D Tsolak, T Wobbe, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 5642, 2019
Nonparametric inference in hidden Markov models using P-splines
R Langrock, T Kneib, A Sohn, SL DeRuiter
Biometrics 71 (2), 520-528, 2015
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Articles 1–20