Jean Hertzman
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Cited by
An examination of social support and social identity factors and their relationship to certified chefs’ burnout
B Kang, NW Twigg, J Hertzman
International Journal of Hospitality Management 29 (1), 168-176, 2010
An assessment of food safety knowledge and practices of catering employees
J Hertzman, D Barrash
British Food Journal 109 (7), 562-576, 2007
Purchasing: selection and procurement for the hospitality industry
AH Feinstein, JM Stefanelli
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008
Career planning strategies and skills of hospitality management students
JL Hertzman, AP Moreo, PJ Wiener
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 14 (4), 423-443, 2015
College students and quick-service restaurants: How students perceive restaurant food and services
YS Kim, J Hertzman, JJ Hwang
Journal of foodservice business research 13 (4), 346-359, 2010
Evaluating quality in associate degree culinary arts programs
J Hertzman, R Ackerman
Quality assurance in education 18 (3), 209-226, 2010
Towards a model of wine event loyalty
S Tanford, R Montgomery, J Hertzman
Journal of Convention & Event Tourism 13 (2), 77-99, 2012
The value of culinary education: Evaluating educational costs, job placement outcomes, and satisfaction with value of associate degree culinary and baking arts program graduates
JL Hertzman, J Maas
Journal of culinary science & technology 10 (1), 53-74, 2012
Restaurant customers’ perceptions of noise and their satisfaction and loyalty behaviors
C Raab, DMV Zemke, JL Hertzman, D Singh
International journal of hospitality & tourism administration 14 (4), 398-414, 2013
The industry experience gap: Hospitality faculty perceptions of the importance of faculty industry experience
KV Phelan, C Mejia, J Hertzman
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education 25 (3), 123-130, 2013
Developing quality indicators for associate degree culinary arts programs: A survey of educators and industry chefs
JL Hertzman, JM Stefanelli
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 9 (2), 135-158, 2008
Identifying the characteristics of and quality indicators for associate degree culinary arts programs: A survey of educators and industry
JL Hertzman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2006
A little more noise and a little less conversation? Ambient noise in restaurants
DM Zemke, JL Hertzman, C Raab, D Singh
Journal of foodservice business research 14 (3), 256-271, 2011
A food safety belief model for Latino (a) employees in foodservice
S Cho, J Hertzman, M Erdem, PO Garriott
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 37 (3), 330-348, 2013
Activity-based costing menu engineering: A new and more accurate way to maximize profits from your restaurant menu
C Raab, J Hertzman, K Mayer, D Bell
Journal of Foodservice Business Research 9 (1), 77-96, 2007
A model of hospitality students’ attitude toward and willingness to work with older adults
J Hertzman, Y Zhong
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 28 (4), 681-699, 2016
Adaptation and international students' perceptions of on‐campus foodservice
T Ruetzler, J Taylor, J Hertzman
British Food Journal 114 (11), 1599-1612, 2012
A suggested curriculum for associate degree culinary arts programs
JL Hertzman
Journal of Culinary Science & Technology 6 (4), 256-278, 2008
A comparative analysis of the impact of culture on university foodservice satisfaction: a pilot study
T Ruetzler, J Hertzman, J Taylor
Journal of Foodservice 20 (4), 200-208, 2009
Changing food safety behavior among Latino (a) food service employees: the food safety belief model
S Cho, J Hertzman, M Erdem, P Garriott
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