Shehab Ahmed
Shehab Ahmed
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High-performance adaptive perturb and observe MPPT technique for photovoltaic-based microgrids
AK Abdelsalam, AM Massoud, S Ahmed, PN Enjeti
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (4), 1010-1021, 2011
Detection of rotor slot and other eccentricity related harmonics in a three phase induction motor with different rotor cages
S Nandi, S Ahmed, HA Toliyat
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 16 (3), 253-260, 2001
Quasi two-level operation of modular multilevel converter for use in a high-power DC transformer with DC fault isolation capability
IA Gowaid, GP Adam, AM Massoud, S Ahmed, D Holliday, BW Williams
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (1), 108-123, 2014
Multiple-module high-gain high-voltage DC–DC transformers for offshore wind energy systems
N Denniston, AM Massoud, S Ahmed, PN Enjeti
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (5), 1877-1886, 2010
Analysis and design of a modular multilevel converter with trapezoidal modulation for medium and high voltage DC-DC transformers
IA Gowaid, GP Adam, S Ahmed, D Holliday, BW Williams
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (10), 5439-5457, 2014
Multilevel medium-frequency link inverter for utility scale photovoltaic integration
S Essakiappan, HS Krishnamoorthy, P Enjeti, RS Balog, S Ahmed
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (7), 3674-3684, 2014
A Review of Integrated On-Board EV Battery Chargers: Advanced Topologies, Recent Developments and Optimal Selection of FSCW Slot/Pole Combination
MY Metwly, MS Abdel-Majeed, AS Abdel-Khalik, RA Hamdy, MS Hamad, ...
IEEE Access 8, 85216-85242, 2020
A Nine-Switch-Converter-Based Integrated Motor Drive and Battery Charger System for EVs Using Symmetrical Six-Phase Machines
MS Diab, AA Elserougi, AS Abdel-Khalik, AM Massoud, S Ahmed
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (9), 5326-5335, 2016
Optimum power transmission-based droop control design for multi-terminal HVDC of offshore wind farms
AS Abdel-Khalik, AM Massoud, AA Elserougi, S Ahmed
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 3401-3409, 2013
A new protection scheme for HVDC converters against DC-side faults with current suppression capability
AA Elserougi, AS Abdel-Khalik, AM Massoud, S Ahmed
IEEE transactions on power delivery 29 (4), 1569-1577, 2014
A Matlab/Simulink-based photovoltaic array model employing SimPowerSystems toolbox
S Said, A Massoud, M Benammar, S Ahmed
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 6 (12), 1965, 2012
Low space harmonics cancelation in double-layer fractional slot winding using dual multiphase winding
AS Abdel-Khalik, S Ahmed, AM Massoud
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (5), 1-10, 2014
Evaluation of a multilevel cascaded-type dynamic voltage restorer employing discontinuous space vector modulation
AM Massoud, S Ahmed, PN Enjeti, BW Williams
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 57 (7), 2398-2410, 2010
Effect of stator winding connection on performance of five-phase induction machines
AS Abdel-Khalik, AS Morsy, S Ahmed, AM Massoud
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (1), 3-19, 2013
Model construction of single crystalline photovoltaic panels for real-time simulation
JH Jung, S Ahmed
2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 342-349, 2010
A differential protection technique for multi-terminal HVDC
AEB Abu-Elanien, AA Elserougi, AS Abdel-Khalik, AM Massoud, S Ahmed
Electric Power Systems Research 130, 78-88, 2016
A flywheel energy storage system for fault ride through support of grid-connected VSC HVDC-based offshore wind farms
MI Daoud, AM Massoud, AS Abdel-Khalik, A Elserougi, S Ahmed
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (3), 1671-1680, 2015
A single-stage three-phase inverter based on Cuk converters for PV applications
A Darwish, D Holliday, S Ahmed, AM Massoud, BW Williams
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2 (4), 797-807, 2014
Selection criteria of induction machines for speed-sensorless drive applications
S Nandi, S Ahmed, HA Toliyat, R Bharadwaj
Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 36th …, 2001
Hybrid and modular multilevel converter designs for isolated HVDC–DC converters
IA Gowaid, GP Adam, AM Massoud, S Ahmed, BW Williams
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 6 (1), 188-202, 2017
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