Supply and demand for finance of small enterprises in Ghana E Aryeetey World Bank Publications, 1994 | 525 | 1994 |
Economic reforms in Ghana: The miracle and the mirage E Aryeetey, J Harrigan, M Nissanke Africa World Press, 2000 | 313 | 2000 |
The characteristics of informal financial markets in Africa E Aryeetey, C Udry African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, Kenya, 1995 | 243 | 1995 |
Informal financial markets under liberalization in four African countries WF Steel, E Aryeetey, H Hettige, M Nissanke World Development 25 (5), 817-830, 1997 | 231 | 1997 |
Financial integration and development: Liberalization and reform in Sub-Saharan Africa M Nissanke, E Aryeetey (No Title), 1998 | 202 | 1998 |
Informal finance for private sector development in Africa E Aryeetey, E Aryeetey African Development Bank Group, 1998 | 196 | 1998 |
Financial market fragmentation and reforms in Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, and Tanzania E Aryeetey, H Hettige, M Nissanke, W Steel The World Bank Economic Review 11 (2), 195-218, 1997 | 167 | 1997 |
Rural finance in Africa: Institutional developments and access for the poor E Aryeetey Proc. of the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics …, 1997 | 157 | 1997 |
From informal finance to formal finance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from linkage efforts E Aryeetey AERC/IMF African Finance for the 21st Century Unpublished Manuscript, 2008 | 149 | 2008 |
Economic growth in Ghana: 1960-2000 E Aryeetey, AK Fosu Draft, African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, Kenya 6 (3), 21-34, 2003 | 146 | 2003 |
Financial integration and development in sub-Saharan Africa: a study of informal finance in Ghana. E Aryeetey | 144 | 1994 |
Informal finance for private sector development in Sub-Saharan Africa E Aryeetey Journal of Microfinance/ESR Review 7 (1), 3, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |
Understanding Ghana's growth success story and job creation challenges E Aryeetey, W Baah-Boateng WIDER Working Paper, 2015 | 127 | 2015 |
Macroeconomic and sectoral developments since 1970 E Aryeetey, J Harrigan Economic Reforms in Ghana, The Miracle and The Mirage. Oxford: James Currey, 2000 | 126 | 2000 |
Priority research issues relating to regulation and competition in Ghana E Aryeetey | 125 | 2001 |
Private investment under uncertainty in Ghana E Aryeetey World Development 22 (8), 1211-1221, 1994 | 120 | 1994 |
Saving in Sub-Saharan Africa E Aryeetey, C Udry CID Working Paper Series, 2000 | 117 | 2000 |
Changing regulatory environment for small-medium size enterprises and their performance in Ghana E Aryeetey, AA Ahene | 107 | 2005 |
Mobilizing domestic resources for capital formation in Ghana: the role of informal financial sectors African Economic Research Consortium Research paper/African Economic Research Consortium; 3, 1991 | 105 | 1991 |
The economy of Ghana sixty years after independence E Aryeetey, SMR Kanbur Oxford University Press, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |